Potensi Beberapa Isolat Bakteri Endofit untuk Pengendalian Biologi Meloidogyne graminicola pada Tanaman Padi

  • abdul munif Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Mohammad Yadi Nurjayadi Balai Proteksi Tanaman Perkebunan (BPTP) Pontianak, Kementerian Pertanian
Keywords: culture filtrate, greenhouse, in vitro, Meloidogyne gramnicola, mortality, root gall


Potency of Endophytic Bacterial Isolates for the Biological Control of Meloidogyne graminicola on rice

Meloidogyne graminicola is one of the important plant parasitic nematodes on rice plant. Control of M. graminicola on rice is very important to be done so that damage on rice and their distribution can be reduced. Endophytic bacteria for the biological control of plant parasitic nematodes have been known effectively on several crops. The objective of this research was to study the potency of endophytic bacteria in controlling root knot nematodes M. graminicola on rice. Four isolates of endophytic bacteria isolated from rice plant, namely Si 33, Si2, Sp24, GH1, and G053 isolated from potato plant were tested to evaluate their effectiveness to M. graminicola on rice plants. Culture filtrate of endophytic bacteria are able to increase the mortality of second stage juveniles of M. graminicola from 99.5% up to 100% under in vitro test. Endophytic bacteria isolates are also able to reduce the numbers of root gall from 42.3%–49.3% on rice plants under greenhouse experiments. Results of this study indicated that all isolates of endophytic bacteria that are used in this experiment have potential as biocontrol agents for controlling M. graminicola on rice.


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abdul munif, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Plant Protection


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How to Cite
munif abdul, & NurjayadiM. Y. (2021). Potensi Beberapa Isolat Bakteri Endofit untuk Pengendalian Biologi Meloidogyne graminicola pada Tanaman Padi. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, 17(1), 28-34. https://doi.org/10.14692/jfi.17.1.28-34