Pendampingan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Kroya, Indramayu

  • Andhar Lutfi PT Pertamina EP Zona 7
  • Slamet Achrodi PT Pertamina EP Zona 7
  • Hardian PT Pertamina EP Zona 7
  • Adi Firmansyah Institut Pertanian Bogor
Keywords: waste bank, community development, CSR


Garbage is still a major problem for villages in Indonesia, including in Kroya Village, Indramayu. The volume of waste generated by the people in this village is around 3.5 tons per day. This waste problem is also related to the low awareness and behaviour of the community in managing waste. PT Pertamina EP Zone 7 Jatibarang Field through the CSR Program took the initiative to carry out community assistance in waste management in Kroya Village. The objectives of this assistance are: 1) Increasing the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of the Kroya Village community in waste management; 2) Increase the impact of waste management based on the Garbage Bank in terms of social, economic, and environmental aspects. The method used in this activity is 1) To identify the potential and needs of the community; 2) To conduct training to increase community capacity; 3) To strengthen the Garbage Bank institution; and 3) To improve Garbage Bank facilities and infrastructure. The results of this activity are changes in knowledge, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviour of the Kroya Village community in waste management. In addition, the results of this activity have a positive impact on the assistance of the waste management program, both in social, economic, and environmental aspects.


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