Penerapan Lean Production pada Penggilingan Bahan Tepung Tapioka untuk Mereduksi Pemborosan di Kelurahan Cimahpar

  • Dedeh Ratnanengsih IPB University
  • Sazli Tutur Risyahadi IPB University
  • Hendri Wijaya IPB University


Waste in micro small and medium enterprise of tapioca flour milling is caused by inefficient
production process flow. Lean production is manufacture concept to produce efficient product.
The purpose of implementing lean production is to reduce waste in order increase product value.
Waste is analyzed using value stream mapping. This method is used to determine the flow of the
process from the beginning of the raw material to produce a product, so that it can be determine
the cause of waste at each stage of the production process. Result from this study show that the
tapioca materials milling processing efficiency of 62.38%. The wastes found in the form of
unnecessary motion, waiting, transportation, and defect. The improvement so that waste can be
reduced is by applying 5S work culture, visual management and standard operating procedures.   Keywords: lean, production, tapioca, waste


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Author Biographies

Dedeh Ratnanengsih, IPB University

Program Studi Teknologi Industri Benih, Fakultas Sekolah Vokasi

Sazli Tutur Risyahadi, IPB University

Program Studi Managemen Industri, Fakultas Sekolah Vokasi

Hendri Wijaya, IPB University

Program Studi Managemen Industri, Fakultas Sekolah Vokasi
