Author Guideline

(Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan)


Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (JP2WD) is a publication media for original manuscripsts related to regional and rural planning and development written in bahasa Indonesia or in English.

JP2WD is published three times a year (February, June and October). Manuscripts accepted for publication in JP2WD may be in form of a scientific research paper (maximum during the past 10 years), policy analysis or research note. JP2WD covers topics related to regional science, regional and/or rural planning, regional economics, spatial and environmental planning, regional information system, community development, and public policy.

Manuscript received shall never been published before and not in the process of scientific publication in national and/or international publications. Manuscripts shall be written in accordance to the JP2WD manuscript writing guideline.



Authors shall register through webpage and submit a softcopy of manuscript online. Figures and tables included in the text shall be submitted in a separate folder containing files in their original format (.xls, .xlsx, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF) to simplify the editing process. Also upload Form Statement of Originality-Copyright Release Form JP2WD and other supporting attachments as Supplementary Files.

Manuscripts received by the editorial office will be sent to the editor and section editor. Editor and section editor will select and shortlist the manuscripts. The editor and section editor has the right to reject a manuscript if the manuscript is not in accordance with the scope, category and writing guidelines of JP2WD. The section editor will ask authors to make improvements/revisions before the manuscript is sent to reviewers.

Shortlisted manuscripts will be reviewed by minimum two experts in the concerned field. Corresponding authors will be informed by e-mail and can check on their account, on the progress of their submission. After the review process by the two reviewers, most likely the manuscript will be returned to the author with minor or major repairs. Author can improve his overall manuscript based on the review result and send the edited manuscript back as a revision, and must inform to to undergo the procedure once again. Lengthy assessment process for each script demanded writers to be commited and responsive to the progress of his manuscript.



The cost of publication for one accepted manuscript is Rp 500,000,00 (Five hundred  thousand rupiahs). The author will receive a personal copy of the edition in which his/her article is published.


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Statement of Originality