• Miftahul Azis Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian, Jalan Tentara Pelajar No. 3b Cimanggu, Jawa Barat Bogor
  • Esty Asriyana Suryana Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian, Jalan Tentara Pelajar No. 3b Cimanggu, Jawa Barat Bogor
Keywords: Agriculture, Digitalization, Policy, Precision, Technology


The rapid advancement of digital technology brought significant opportunities and challenges to the digitization of the agricultural sector. This study had comprehensive goals, namely: 1) identifying various government policies that supported the implementation of agricultural digitization, 2) conducting an in-depth analysis of the magnitude of opportunities offered by agricultural digitization, taking into account the potential and existing obstacles, and 3) providing policy recommendations for the development of agricultural digitization. Through a thorough analysis of various policies and initiatives that were in place, this review successfully identified strategies that were successful in promoting agricultural digitization. Collaborations between government agencies, technology companies, and agricultural organizations were considered key in facilitating the development and implementation of innovative solutions tailored to the needs of the agricultural sector. Overall, agricultural digitization offered significant opportunities to transform the agricultural sector and address challenges related to food security, sustainability, and farmers' livelihoods. However, careful consideration of policies and their effective implementation was necessary to achieve meaningful results.


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How to Cite
AzisM., & SuryanaE. A. (2023). KOMPARASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN DIGITALISASI PERTANIAN: PELUANG DAN TANTANGAN. RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian Dan Lingkungan, 10(3), 179-198. https://doi.org/10.29244/jkebijakan.v10i3.51083