Hubungan Emotional Eating, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Kualitas Diet dengan Dismenorea Primer pada Mahasiswi PKU IPB

Farras Nabilah, Ikeu Ekayanti


Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual cramp that has a high incidence and can affect productivity. This research aims to determine and analyze the relationship between emotional eating, physical activity, and quality of diet with primary dysmenorrhea among college students at PKU IPB. The design of this research was a cross-sectional study with a total of 80 subjects. The research was conducted in March 2023 at PKU IPB Girls Dormitory by measuring height and weight, interviewing, and filling out questionnaires. The instrument for measuring emotional eating using the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire-Emotional (DEBQ-E), quality of diet using the Indonesia Healthy Eating Index, and dysmenorrhea using the Multidimensional Scoring System for Dysmenorrhea. The majority of subjects experienced primary dysmenorrhea (77.5%) with mild degrees (53.7%). Most of the subjects classified as non-emotional eaters (56.3%), had a mild level of physical activity (58.7%), and the quality of their diet was classified to need improvement (86.2%). There was no significant correlation between nutritional status, emotional eating, physical activity, and quality of diet with dysmenorrhea (p>0.05), but there was a significant correlation with the family history (p=0.045). There was no significant correlation between family history, emotional eating, physical activity, and quality of diet with the degree of dysmenorrhea (p>0.05), but there was a significant correlation with nutritional status (p=0.029).


Farras Nabilah
Ikeu Ekayanti (Primary Contact)
NabilahF. and EkayantiI. (2024) “Hubungan Emotional Eating, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Kualitas Diet dengan Dismenorea Primer pada Mahasiswi PKU IPB”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 3(1), pp. 31-39. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2024.3.1.31-39.
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