Status Gizi, Kualitas Diet, Frekuensi Minuman Isotonik, dan Daya Tahan Anaerobik di Taekwondo Speed Club Wonosobo

Lintang Sukma Rahmawati, Hadi Riyadi


This study aims to analyze the relationship between nutritional status, diet quality, and frequency of isotonic drinks and anaerobic endurance in taekwondo Speed Club Wonosobo athletes. This research design is a cross-sectional study involving 28 subjects with a purposive sampling method. Data collection was done through direct measurement and interviews using a questionnaire. Most of the subjects’s nutritional status was classified as good nutrition (-0.63 SD). The fatigue index of the subjects was classified as non-fatigue (5.29 watts/second). The subjects’s diet quality (70.5%) was categorized in quartile 4 (>61.2%). On average, subjects drank isotonic drinks with occasional frequency (2-3 times a week). There was an unidirectional, moderately strong, and significant relationship between nutritional status and fatigue index (p<0.05), and there was an unidirectional, moderately strong, and significant relationship between diet quality and fatigue index (p<0.05), but the relationship between the frequency of isotonic drinks and fatigue index was not significant and very weak (p>0.05).


Lintang Sukma Rahmawati
Hadi Riyadi (Primary Contact)
RahmawatiL. S. and RiyadiH. (2023) “Status Gizi, Kualitas Diet, Frekuensi Minuman Isotonik, dan Daya Tahan Anaerobik di Taekwondo Speed Club Wonosobo”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 2(3), pp. 190-198. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2023.2.3.190-198.
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