Local Knowledge “Makiriwo” in The Sustainable Livelihood Perspective (Case of Apulea Coconut Farm Community in North Halmahera Regency, Indonesia)

  • Yosafat Kotalaha
  • Gatot Sasongko
Keywords: local Knowledge, livelihood, sustainability of livelihoods, Apulea village


This study aims to describe a portrait of Apulea community in North Halmahera District which is located in the border region between Indonesia-Philippines and North Halmahera-West Halmahera District. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach that specifically describes a survival strategy for the sustainability of the livelihoods of coconut farmers in the village of Apulea in North Halmahera Regency, Indonesia. Retrieval of research data using in-depth interview techniques, document observation and study. The informants involved in this study were selected selectively based on livelihoods and experience using social capital and cultural capital as a strategy to achieve livelihood sustainability. The results of this study indicate that local knowlidge makiriwo is embodied in natural resource capital and social capital that is used to sustain life  amid barriers to acces to financial capital, physical capital and human capital.


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How to Cite
KotalahaY., & SasongkoG. (2019). Local Knowledge “Makiriwo” in The Sustainable Livelihood Perspective (Case of Apulea Coconut Farm Community in North Halmahera Regency, Indonesia). Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 6(3). https://doi.org/10.22500/sodality.v6i3.25455

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