• Abidin Abidin Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Buddhi Dharma, Kota Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia


Coconut is an agricultural product that has great potential to be used as a basic ingredient for making various products. However, the growth of the coconut agro-industry in Indonesia has not yet met expectations. Currently, the number of agro-industries and their derivatives is limited. The same applies to the coconut agro-industry in the Pangandaran Regency, where the number of such industries is still very small. As one of the major coconut-producing regions in West Java, the Pangandaran Regency has only one large-scale coconut agro-industry, while the rest fall into the micro-, small-, and medium-sized categories. Therefore, the objective of this research were to identify the factors influencing the development of the coconut agro-industry in the Pangandaran Regency and to analyze the the influence of each of these factors. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to identify the influential factors. PCA is based on a multitude of factors affecting coconut agro-industry development, necessitating the grouping of these factors for further analysis. The results of this study reveal that four factors that support the development of the coconut agro-industry: products with a 24.5% influence level, government and community support at 16.9%, regional potential at 10.6%, and investment and seedlings at 9.6%. These four supporting factors cumulatively accounted for 62% of the influence. Meanwhile, there are also four inhibiting factors: primary capital with a 20.2% influence level, infrastructure at 17.9%, government policies at 17.7%, and socio-economic factors at 13.9%. These four inhibiting factors cumulatively accounted for 70% of the total influence.

Keywords: coconut agro-industry, PCA, supporting factors, inhibiting factors, Pangandaran


How to Cite
AbidinA. (2023). FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PENGEMBANGAN AGROINDUSTRI KELAPA BERDASARKAN PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 33(3), 228-238. https://doi.org/10.24961/j.tek.ind.pert.2023.33.3.228