Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis (JITKT), published since June 2009, starting in December 2010 was published in print and electronic. The name of E-Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis with ISSN (Online) 2085-6695 starting from 2009-2017, then it changes in 2018 with name Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis with ISSN (Print): 2087-9423 and ISSN (Online): 2620-309X until now.

This journal is a scientific journal in the field of tropical marine science and technology and is published periodically three times (April, August, and December) a year by the Department of Marine Science and Technology of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science-IPB University, Indonesian Association of Oceanologists, and the Association of Indonesian Coastal Management Experts. This journal has been nationally accredited by SINTA (Index of Science and Technology) and decided by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia with Rank Three (Sinta 3) from volume 12 number 2 of 2020 to volume 17 number 1 of 2025 in accordance with Decree No. : 164/E/KPT/2021, December 27, 2021. This journal has the aim and scope to focus on publishing good quality scientific articles for the dissemination of research results in the field of marine science and technology.

JITKT has been also indexed/registered in Science and Technology Index (SINTA)Google ScholarDimensionsEmerging Sources Citation IndexCrossref, ISSNGoogle MetricsISJDInaSTI, World CatBASE,  IOSCosmos, and PKP Index.

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis (JITKT), published since June 2009, starting in December 2010 was published in print and electronic. The name of E-Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis with ISSN (Online) 2085-6695 starting from 2009-2017, then it changes in 2018 with name Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis with ISSN (Print): 2087-9423 and ISSN (Online): 2620-309X until now.

This journal is a scientific journal in the field of tropical marine science and technology and is published periodically three times (April, August, and December) a year by the Department of Marine Science and Technology of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science-IPB University, Indonesian Association of Oceanologists, and the Association of Indonesian Coastal Management Experts. This journal has been nationally accredited by SINTA (Index of Science and Technology) and decided by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia with Rank Three (Sinta 3) from volume 12 number 2 of 2020 to volume 17 number 1 of 2025 in accordance with Decree No. : 164/E/KPT/2021, December 27, 2021. This journal has the aim and scope to focus on publishing good quality scientific articles for the dissemination of research results in the field of marine science and technology.

JITKT has been also indexed/registered in Science and Technology Index (SINTA)Google ScholarDimensionsEmerging Sources Citation IndexCrossref, ISSNGoogle MetricsISJDInaSTI, World CatBASE,  IOSCosmos, and PKP Index.


Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis

Published: 2024-04-30


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