Published: Jan 3, 2014

Development of Powered Disk Type Sugar Cane Stubble Saver

Radite P.A.S, I Nengah Suastawa
Read Statistic: 644

Metode Pembuatan Guludan Secara Mekanis denganTenaga Penggerak Traktor Dua Roda untuk Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran

Wawan Hermawan, Desrial ., Susanto Budi Sulistyo
Read Statistic: 1346

Strawberry is a commercial fruit. It’s Growth and quality is influenced by soil condition, climate, and its self. Irrigation influences soil characteristic, such as: physical, chemical, and microbiological than influence an environment of its growth. this research used drip irrigation method with debit variation and organic matter composition. RCBD was used in this research. Variation of irrigation debit and organic matter composition are the independent variables, whereas dependent variables are C-Organic, N-available, characteristic of soil, and quality of strawberry fruit. Variation of debit irrigation did not significant influence to C-Organic, whereas organic matter composition had significant influence to C-Organic in 63th, 84th, and 105th day of planting. The highest C-Organic content on D3P3 treatment that is 17.92% and the lowest on D2P2 treatment that is 5.19%. Debit of irrigation influence to N-available content in 105th day of planting. The highest N-available content in D3P1 treatment that is 0.88 ppm, whereas the lowest N-available content in D2P3 treatment that is 0.67 ppm. Result of analysis, debit irrigation had significant influence and could increase fruit weight and reduction sugar-content. Organic matter composition had significant influence to increase fruit weight, vitamin C, total of soluble-solid, and reduction sugar-content. Combination of irrigation debit and organic matter composition had significant influence to fruit weight. In the treatment, debit of
irrigation that make good influence to fruit quality is 300 ml/day/polybag and 1:2 ratio of organic matter composition.

Keywords: drip irrigation, organic matter, strawberry
Diterima: 16 September 2008; Disetujui: 25 Pebruari 2009

Afik Hardanto, Asna Mustofa, Sumarni .
Read Statistic: 741

A Simple Refining Technique of Coconut Oil for Small Holder Industries

Sugeng Triyono, Agus Haryanto
Read Statistic: 584

Penentuan Konstanta Resesi Hidrograf Menggunakan Metode Plot Semi Logaritmik (Studi Kasus di Sub DAS Goseng)

Putu Sudira, Sukresno ., Elly Kurniawati
Read Statistic: 759

Desain dan Kinerja Unit Perlakuan Uap Panas (VHT) Untuk Disinfestasi Lalat Buah pada Penanganan Pascapanen Mangga

Rokhani Hasbullah, Agus Sutejo, Astu Unadi, Suparlan .
Read Statistic: 821

Study on Disinfestation of Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) Using Vapor Heat Treatment on Gedong Gincu Mango

Rokhani Hasbullah, Dadang ., Elpodesy Marlisa
Read Statistic: 624

Ultrasonic Wave Characteristics of Arumanis Mangoes And Damage Arumanis Mangoes By Fruit Fly

Warji ., Rokhani Hasbullah
Read Statistic: 469

Non Destructive Inner Quality Prediction In Intact Mango With Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy

Agus A Munawar, I Wayan Budiastra
Read Statistic: 624

Kinetic Model of Biodiesel Processing Using Ultrasound

Bambang Susilo
Read Statistic: 506