Does a Freeze-thaw Pretreatment Enhance the Quality of Dried Foods? A Meta-Analysis

Tri Yulni, Wendianing Putri Luketsi Luketsi, Waqif Agusta, Ermi Erene Koeslulat, Spetriani Spetriani, Lully Natharina Prasetyani


Based on the results of several studies, it's questionable if freeze-thaw pretreatment can improve dried product qualities. To answer this question, a meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effect of freeze-thaw pretreatment on the quality of dried products. This research aimed to assess the impact of freeze-thaw pretreatment on the quality of dried plant-based foods. The data was sourced from the Scopus database, and the selection criteria were based on the PRISMA protocol. All meta-analysis calculations were performed using OpenMEE Software. The results revealed that freeze-thaw pretreatment significantly affected ΔE, TFC, and TPC. However, freeze-thaw pretreatment does not significantly affect shrinkage and hardness. Based on what the analysis subgroup found, the best freezing temperatures are -20 °C and -196 °C because both temperatures favorably impact TFC and hardness. Moreover, freeze-thaw pretreatment is applicable to I-C, NIR, and HA-MV drying.


Tri Yulni (Primary Contact)
Wendianing Putri Luketsi Luketsi
Waqif Agusta
Ermi Erene Koeslulat
Spetriani Spetriani
Lully Natharina Prasetyani
YulniT., LuketsiW. P. L., AgustaW., KoeslulatE. E., SpetrianiS., & PrasetyaniL. N. (2023). Does a Freeze-thaw Pretreatment Enhance the Quality of Dried Foods? A Meta-Analysis. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 11(2), 240-252.

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