Pemanfaatan buku bahasa indonesia pada skripsi Fakultas pertanian ipb university tahun 2015-2019 berbasis analisis sitasi

  • Janti G. Sujana Perpustakaan IPB
  • Didin Mulyadi Perpustakaan IPB
Kata Kunci: Judul buku disitasi; ketersediaan buku; keusangan buku; penerbit buku; Perpustakaan IPB University


Introduction. Procurement of library collections must be effective and efficient. So far, it has been assumed that IPB University students prefer to use Indonesian books, but from some observations on books collection, quite a lot of Indonesian books’ due  date slips are  blank. This means that the book was never borrowed by the user. One way to measure the usability of a collection is to use citation analysis.

Objectives. This study aims to 1) determine the availability of Indonesian language books cited in the undergraduate theses of the Faculty of Agriculture IPB University 2015-2019 in the collection of the IPB University Library; 2) identify Indonesian language books that are widely used by students of IPB University, Faculty of Agriculture in writing undergraduate theses 2015-2019; 3) knowing the average age of obsolescence of Indonesian language books cited in the 2015-2019 IPB University, Faculty of Agriculture undergraduate  theses; 4) find out which Indonesian language book publishers are cited the most by the 2015-2019 Faculty of Agriculture undergraduate theses.


Methods. This research is a quantitative research, using one of the bibliometric methods, namely citation analysis. Data collection is done by observing the bibliography in each undergraduate thesis, all Indonesian books in the bibliography will be recorded on an Excel-based note sheet.

Results. The results showed that Indonesian language books cited in the undergraduate theses of the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University 2015-2019 were available in the collections of the IPB University Library as much as 18.0 % for the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, 22.0 % for the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, 22.0 % for the Department of Plant Protection and 16.0 % for the Department of Landscape Architecture. The most cited books by undergraduate theses at the Faculty of Agriculture are “Soil and Water Conservation” for the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, “Plant Breeding Techniques” for the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, “Pesticides and Their Applications” for the Department of Plant Protection, and “Garden Maintenance” for the Department of Landscape Architecture. The obsolescence of the cited books is between 12-15 years. The publishers whose books have been cited the most are Gadjah Mada University Press, Kanisius and Penebar Swadaya.




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