Notodiputro, Khairil Anwar, Indonesia

  • FORUM STATISTIKA DAN KOMPUTASI Vol. 15 No. 1 (2010) - Articles

    Multi-locations trials play an important role in plant breeding and agronomic research. Study concerning genotype-environment interaction is needed in the selection of genotype to be released. AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) is one of the statistical techniques used to analyze data from multi-locations trials. The analysis of AMMI is a combination of analysis between additive main effect and principal component analysis. Multi-location sampling data which were collected several years on several planting season used these analyzed separately. To obtain more comprehensive information of multi-location sampling data, an analysis which combines all of the information through out the years are needed. One of the alternatives is the Bayesian approach. This method utilizes initial information on the estimated parameters and information from samples. The simulation states that prediction with Bayesian methods will produce a better estimator, because the MSE of the Bayesian estimator is smaller than the MSE estimator generated using least squares method.

    Abstract  PDF