Journal of Tropical Silviculture <p><strong>JURNAL SILVIKULTUR TROPIKA</strong> (<strong>J-SILTROP</strong>) atau <em>Journal of Tropical Silviculture</em> adalah jurnal yang terbit tiga kali dalam setahun. <strong>J-SILTROP</strong> menerbitkan artikel tentang sains dan teknologi silvikultur yang berhubungan dengan hutan tropika seperti botani, fisiologi, ekologi, tanah, genetika, proteksi, patologi, entomologi, kebakaran, daerah aliran sungai, biodiversitas, bioteknologi, agroforestri, reklamasi dan restorasi. Tulisan-tulisan ilmiah diterbitkan dalam bentuk artikel hasil-hasil penelitian (<em>article</em>), ulas balik (<em>reviews</em>), catatan penelitian (<em>notes</em>), hipotesa (<em>hypothesis</em>), maupun komunikasi (<em>communication</em>) di bidang silvikultur hutan tropika.</p> en-US (Bambang Hero Saharjo) (Robi Deslia Waldi) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:56:18 +0700 OJS 60 Dinamika Perubahan Tutupan Hutan Mangrove Sebagai Kawasan Lindung Menggunakan Citra Satelit di Pulau Peleng Sulawesi Tengah <p>Hutan mangrove merupakan ekosistem penting penunjang aktivitas kehidupan masyarakat pesisir karena memiliki berbagai fungsi sehingga sangat rentan terhadap bermacam gangguan. Permasalahan ini menjadi faktor penting menurunnya kemampuan mangrove dalam menjaga kestabilan ekosistem pantai. Oleh karena itu monitoring dan evaluasi dinamika perubahan tutupan mangrove secara spasio temporal menggunakan metode penginderaan jauh (<em>remote sensing</em>) perlu dilakukan. Citra Landsat dengan resolusi spasial 30 m dipilih sebagai sumber data untuk menganalisis dinamika tutupan hutan mangrove. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengukur, memetakan dan mengestimasi luas tutupan mangrove tahun 2019 serta membangun model dinamika perubahan tutupan mangrove pada tahun 2029terbimbing (<em>supervised classification</em>) untuk mengestimasi perubahan tutupan hutan mangrove, analisis vegetasi untuk menghitung nilai keanekaragaman serta metode rantai markov (Markov chain) menggunakan software Stella. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai keanekaragaman vegetasi mangrove pada strata belta lebih tinggi daripada strata pohon. Berdasarkan nilai penting menurut kriteria kemantapan ekosistem menunjukkan bahwa vegetasi mangrove di Pulau Peleng masuk dalam kategori sedang dan cukup stabil. Hutan mangrove terus mengalami penurunan sebesar 10,21% sejak tahun 1999 hingga tahun 2019, dan pada tahun 2029 diprediksi akan terus mengalami penurunan luasan jika kondisi ini dibiarkan tanpa ada kebijakan pemerintah yang mengatur.</p> <p>Kata kunci: Dinamika, keanekaragaman, Landsat, mangrove, Pulau Peleng</p> Mohammad Malik, Budi Kuncahyo, Nining Puspaningsih Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Potensi dan Pertumbuhan Beberapa Jenis Tanaman dalam Penyerapan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) pada Media Tanah Bekas Tambang Timah Desa Siabu Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar <p>Kegiatan penambangan timah di Desa Siabu, Kecamatan Salo, Kabupaten Kampar, menimbulkan dampak pencemaran tanah oleh logam berat, khususnya timbal (Pb). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi potensi dan pertumbuhan lima jenis tanaman (<em>A. mangium, P. falcataria, S. macrophylla, I. cylindrica, dan M. malabathricum</em>) dalam fitoremediasi tanah bekas penambangan timah yang tercemar timbal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan sehingga diperoleh 20 satuan percobaan. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 20.0, dan jika signifikan, dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut dengan Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa kelima jenis tanaman berpotensi menyerap logam berat timbal (Pb), namun dengan tingkat konsentrasi serapan yang berbeda. Serapan timbal (Pb) tertinggi pada kelompok semai adalah perlakuan P1 (<em>A. mangium</em>) dengan kemampuan serapan logam Pb sebesar 6,33 ppm dan kandungan logam Pb sisa dalam tanah sebesar 14,18 ppm, sedangkan serapan logam berat timbal (Pb) yang paling tinggi pada kelompok vegetasi bawah adalah perlakuan P5 (<em>M. malabathricum</em>) sebesar 9,10 ppm dengan kandungan logam Pb sisa dalam tanah sebesar 7,75 ppm.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: fitoremediasi, logam berat, Pencemaran, timbal (Pb)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Viny Volcherina Darlis, Chirin Ni’mah Putriani, Defri Yoza, Pebriandi Pebriandi Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Curah Hujan Terhadap Kejadian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Kabupaten Banyuasin Provinsi Sumatera Selatan <p><em>Banyuasin Regency is identified as one of the regions in Indonesia facing a high risk of forest and land fires, with incidents occurring annually. Historical records highlight the most extensive occurrences in 2015 and 2019. Rainfall stands out as a climatic factor capable of influencing the prevalence of these fires. This study aims to analyze the correlation between rainfall patterns and fire incidents in Banyuasin Regency from 2018 to 2020. Utilizing data on hotspots, rainfall, and the extent of forest and land fire incidents, the research employs statistical tests through correlation analysis. The findings reveal a positive correlation between the extent of forest fires and the number of hotspots, as well as a negative correlation between rainfall and hotspots. The year 2019 witnessed the highest number of hotspots, attributed to the El-Nino phenomenon.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: el-nino, forest and land fire, hotspot, rainfall</em></p> Agysta Zaskia, Bambang Hero Saharjo, Israr Albar Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Kelimpahan Fauna Tanah dan Hubungannya dengan Karakteristik Tapak pada Vegetasi Submontana di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango <p><em>Soil fauna is a biotic soil component that can be used as fertility bio-indicators. This altitude difference is thought to affect the soil fauna. This research aims to identify differences in the abundance of soil mesofauna and macrofauna at the study site and to analyze the relationship between climatic and edaphic factors. Sampling measuring 20 m x 20 m was placed by purposive sampling at 1.250, 1.350, 1.450 m asl, and open area (1.200 m asl) for vegetation analysis and subplots were carried out by purposive sampling on three sample subplots measuring (1 m x 1 m) for soil samples and environmental factors. The highest soil fauna was found at an altitude of 1.350 m asl (265 individual / m2) and the lowest was in the open area (11 individual / m2). The different test results showed that the altitude of 1.250 and 1.450 m asl was not significantly different, while the altitude of 1.350 m asl and in open area showed a significant difference. The relationship between the population of soil fauna and climatic factors such as ambient temperature and sunlight intensity has a negative correlation value, while humidity shows a positive correlation value. Edaphic factors such as pH, and cation exchange capacity, have negative correlation, while litter weight, respiration, and soil porosity show positive correlation values.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: climatic, edaphic, population, soil fauna, submontane</em></p> Basuki Wasis, Bayu Winata, Nur Ula Safaaturrohmah Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Struktur dan Komposisi Jenis Tegakan Shorea pinanga di KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor <p><em>The plantation forest of Shorea pinanga, established outside its native habitat in KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor since 1940, serves as the focal point of this research. The study aims to analyze the natural regeneration process within the stands of S. pinanga and assess the structural development of the forest in the area. Vegetation analysis was employed across five research plots (plots 11, 12, 68, 72, and 100), each with two observation plots. The findings reveal that the mature Shorea pinanga plantation has formed a stand structure resembling a natural forest, exhibiting an inverted "J-shaped" growth pattern. Natural regeneration of S. pinanga was observed in all research plots, with similarities in S. pinanga species identified in both seedling and tree stages in Plots 11, 68, and 72. These results are anticipated to provide valuable insights into the natural regeneration of the mature Shorea pinanga plantation, contributing to sustainable forest management goals.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Natural regeneration, plantation forest, Shorea pinanga, stand structure</em></p> Putri Azli Lubis, Prijanto Pamoengkas, Darwo Darwo Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Keanekaragaman Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Tegakan Kelicung (Diospyros macrophylla Blume) di KHDTK Rarung, Lombok Tengah <p><em>Kelicung tree (Diospyros macrophylla) is a native tree species of West Nusa Tenggara. It is a slow-growing tree with very good wood ornament, strength, and durability properties. Symbiotic mutualism between kelicung and mycorrhiza has not been documented. Mycrorrhiza is a mutualism symbiosis between fungi and plant roots that could improve plant growth due to increase nutrient and water absorbtion. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate mycorrhizal symbiosis in kelicung roots. Soil and root samples were taken in the Rarung Special Purpose Forest Area at 0 – 20 cm depth. Isolation and identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi used screening and centrifugation methods to identify spore density, diversity, abundance, and frequency. Furthermore, root staining and colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were carried out by observing the structure of vesicles, arbuscules, hyphae, and spores on Kelicung roots. The research results showed that the average number of spores found was 846 spores/50 g of soil. Spores were identified in two genera: Glomus sp and Acaulospora sp. Glomus spores found were round, the colour of the spores was yellow, the spores did not react when Melzer's solution was dropped, and the spore walls of the Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the genus Glomus consisted of 1-2 layers of cell walls. Observation of root colonization, no structures of root arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were found in Kelicung.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Acaulospora sp., Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Diospyros macrophylla, Glomus sp., Kelicung</em></p> Desty Sasana Putri Utami, Irdika Mansur, Iwan Hilwan, Baiq Azizah Haryantini Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Vegetasi Gewang (Corypha gebanga) di Kecamatan Boking Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur <p><em>This research explores the presence of the gebang population (Corypha gebanga) on Timor Island, specifically in the Boking District, Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Covering an area of approximately 24,382.04 Ha, the study projects that around 5-10% of this area serves as the habitat for gebang, playing a crucial role in the local community's life as a source of carbohydrates, vegetables, building materials, ropes, and woven crafts. The objective of this research is to assess the vegetation of gebang (Corypha gebanga) using the quadrant sampling method to analyze the identified vegetation composition and parameters such as density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, dominance, and relative dominance. The research findings reveal that in the tree stratum, there is a density value of 0.02/0.01 ha, with a relative density of 100%, a frequency of 0.88 plots/9 plots, a relative frequency of 100%, dominance of 52.03 m2/900 m2, and a relative dominance of 100%. Similarly, in the Sapling Vegetation (Belta) stratum, the density value is 0.18/0.0025 ha, with a relative density of 100%, a frequency of 0.77 plots/9 plots, a relative frequency of 100%, dominance of 169.91 m2/225 m2, and a relative dominance of 100%. The understory vegetation stratum demonstrates diversity with 15 types of vegetation, where the highest density value is found in the gebang plant species at 0.97/0.0004 ha, with a relative density of 34.31%, a frequency of 0.55 plots/9 plots, and a relative frequency of 13.51%.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Gewang (Corypha gebanga); vegetation analysis; quadrant sampling</em></p> Imanuel Male, Aplonia Bani Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Studi Populasi dan Distribusi Palahlar (Dipterocarpus hasseltii Blume) di Resort Gunung Salak I, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak <p><em>Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (GHSNP) is a conservation area that a habitat for rare and protected flora and fauna. Palahlar (Dipterocarpus hasseltii Blume) is a rare plant species found in the GHSNP area with an endangered species and had declining population trend. This study aimed to analyze habitat conditions, population and distribution patterns of D. hasseltii at Gunung Salak I Resort of GHSNP. Data were collected by purposive sampling method based on the presence of D.&nbsp; hasseltii. Vegetation analysis used the grid-lined method of 5 lanes measuring @ 100 m × 20 m, so that the total area of the observation plots was 1 ha. The observation plots were dominated by puspa (Schima wallichii), which had the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) at the seedlings (26,80%), saplings (24,04%), and trees (53,86%). The regeneration rate of D.&nbsp; hasseltii, showed an abnormal condition, because the number of seedlings was less than the number of saplings. A total of 28 individuals of D. hasseltii were found at the observation plots consisted of 4 individual seedlings, 15 individual saplings, 3 individual poles, and 6 individual trees. The results showed that the distribution pattern of D. hasseltii was clustered.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Dipterocarpus hasseltii, endangered species, Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, palahlar</em></p> Iwan Hilwan, Prima Anggoro Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Isolasi dan Seleksi Isolat Potensial Cendawan Dark Septate Endophyte Asal Akar Pinus merkusii <p>Kegiatan isolasi akar untuk mendapatkan cendawan <em>dark septate endophyte</em> saat ini lebih banyak dilakukan pada tanaman pertanian dan perkebunan, sedangkan pada tanaman kehutanan masih kurang. Akar merupakan habitat yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan berbagai mikroorganisme termasuk cendawan <em>dark septate endophyte</em>. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengisolasi akar tanaman <em>Pinus merkusii</em> yang berasal dari empat lokasi, uji patogenisitas dan biomassa benih sawi caisim manis. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif yaitu dengan mengamati jumlah isolat cendawan <em>dark septate endophyte</em> yang diperoleh dan sifat patogenisitas dari isolat, sedangkan biomassa benih sawi ciasim manis dari hasil pengujian patogenisitas isolat non patogen di analisis dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Hasil isolasi akar dari tegakan <em>Pinus merkusii</em> diperoleh sebanyak 25 isolat dengan mengisolasi sebanyak 1.160 segmen akar. Isolasi akar <em>Pinus merkusii</em> dari kampus Dramaga IPB diperoleh sebanyak 16 isolat, Desa Dabun Gelang Kabupaten Gayo Lues diperoleh 2 isolat, Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat diperoleh 2 isolat dan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak diperoleh 5 isolat. Pengujian patogenisitas diperoleh 12 isolat yang bersifat patogen dan 13 isolat non patogen. Analisis biomassa benih sawi ciasim manis pada isolat non patogen diperoleh biomassa tertinggi pada perlakuan kontrol (tidak diinokulasi) dan terendah pada isolat Apg 23.5 dan Hs 14.6b. Masih minimnya jumlah isolat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan isolasi pada penelitian ini, maka perlu dicarikan metode sterilisasi yang sesuai, sehingga diperoleh jumlah isolat yang maksimal dan mempunyai potensi sebagai isolat non patogen.</p> <p>Kata kunci: <em>Pinus merkusii</em>, dark septate endophyte, isolasi</p> Jumadil Akhir, Sri Wilarso Budi, Elis Nina Herliyana, Surono Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Uji Potensi Mikrob Rizosfer sebagai Pengendali Hayati Penyebab Penyakit Tanaman <p><em>Biological control is an alternative to reducing the use of pesticides because it can suppress the growth of plant pathogens and has no negative impact on the environment. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of rhizosphere microbes as biological controllers that cause plant diseases. This study contains three rhizosphere microbes (Trichoderma sp., Gliocladium sp., Bacillus sp.) and three pathogenic test fungi (Rhizoctonia sp., Sclerotium sp., Botryodiplodia sp.) were used. This study was divided into three experiments, namely (1) an in vitro antagonist test, (2) a secondary metabolite test, and (3) a growth test on sengon seeds (in vivo). The parameters measured were percentage inhibition, germination rate, growth rate, disease incidence, and disease intensity. The fungus Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. can inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi Sclerotium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., and Botryodiplodia sp. ranging from 61.82% to 80.00%. Secondary metabolites of the fungus Gliocladium sp. are more able to inhibit the mycelia growth of pathogenic fungi Rhizoctonia sp., Sclerotium sp., and Botryodiplodia sp. compared to the fungus Trichoderma sp. with inhibition values were 71.13%, 33.83%, 23.58%, respectively. Gliocladium sp., Trichoderma sp., and Bacillus sp. can suppress disease incidence (14.29%, 12.38%, and 15.24%) and intensity of damping-off attacks caused by Rhizoctonia sp. (8.91%, 8.57%, and 9.43%). This shows that biological agents have the potential to control plant diseases</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Bacillus aereus, damping-off, secondary metabolites, Trichoderma</em></p> Yunik Istikorini, Thurfah Budiman Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Evaluasi Mutu Fisik Bibit Eukaliptus (Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell) di Persemaian BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung, Rumpin, Jawa Barat <p><em>The success of planting in the field is influenced by the quality of the seeds used. The aim of this research is to evaluate the physical quality of eucalyptus seeds produced by the BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung Nursery Center based on SNI 8420:2018. The quality assessment of eucalyptus seeds is carried out based on the requirements stated in SNI 8420:2018. The results of the evaluation of the physical quality of eucalyptus seedlings at the BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung Nursery Center show that eucalyptus seedlings have passed the general requirements test for the origin of normal seeds and seedlings (woody stem criteria); and pass the test for special requirements. Eucalyptus seedlings did not pass the general requirements for normal seedlings for the criteria of straight stems and healthy seedlings. Eucalyptus seeds that do not pass the test can be retested after the seeds have been selected or the quality of the seeds has been improved. Improving the quality of seeds can be done by carrying out routine thinning activities in the nursery.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: general requirements, Indonesian National Standard 8420:2018, origins of seeds, normal seeds, special requirements</em></p> Arum Sekar Wulandari, Cahyo Wibowo, Nadira Aribah Fauziah Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peluang Penggunaan Gel dalam Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan <p><em>The recurring issue of forest and land fires, especially during the dry season, poses a persistent challenge in Indonesia. Conventional firefighting efforts using water as the primary extinguishing agent have not proven entirely effective in preventing and reducing the extent of burned areas. This research aims to explore the potential use of gel as an alternative in combating forest and land fires. The research methodology involves preparation, oven testing, burning experiments, as well as observation and evaluation. Various fuel types, including needle leaf litter, broadleaf litter, and understory litter, were examined along with Gel Pack Extinguishing Agent (GPEA) at varying doses (0g/100ml water, 1g/100ml water, 2g/100ml water, and 3g/100ml water). The results indicate significant differences with the highest efficiency observed at a dose of 1g/100ml water for needle leaf litter, 2g/100ml water for broadleaf litter, and 1g/100ml water for understory litter.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: forest and land fires, Gel Pack Extinguishing Agent, extinction</em></p> Bambang Hero Saharjo, Muhammad Kahlil Gibran Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Assessing Vegetation Density to Determine Green Open Space (RTH) in Bogor Regency <p>Green Open Space (RTH) is part of the open spaces of an urban area filled with plants and vegetation to support ecological, socio-cultural, and architectural benefits. An approach that can be done to determine green open space is by analyzing the density of vegetation. The minimum distribution of vegetation in an urban area should be 30% of the total area. This vegetation distribution can be calculated using Landsat 8 imagery. This research was conducted to determine Green Open Space in Bogor Regency by using Landsat 8 imagery. This study clearly showed that some areas in Bogor Regency are still having lack of vegetation, bring a need to develop green open spaces in the areas.</p> <p>Keywords: Landsat 8 imagery, Bogor Regency, Green Open Space, Vegetation</p> Erianto Indra Putra, Robi D Waldi, Ahmad Rifaldo, Yovielachicha Khairunisa, Deya Akmalia, Siti Labora Siburian, Rian Dwirizqi Miftahul Huda, Pratiwi D Susanti, Citra S Putri, Juang R. Matangaran, Ati Dwi Nurhayati, Lufthi Rusniarsyah Copyright (c) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Species of Fungi Involved in the Decomposition of Rhizophora apiculata Leaf Litter on Pulau Sembilan <p><em>Rhizophora apiculata</em> is one of the mangrove species that grows in coastal areas influenced by seawater. Decomposing leaf litter from <em>R. apiculata</em> is an organic material needed by microorganisms and organisms to grow and develop in the environment where they live. Microorganisms involved in accelerating the decomposition process are fungi. This research activity was carried out for six months, from June to December 2022. This research method uses litter bags to store leaf litter, which will be isolated and the rate of decomposition calculated. The results showed that there were 3 genera of fungi, namely <em>Aspergillus</em> sp., <em>Trichoderma </em>sp., and <em>Penicillium</em> sp. The decomposition rate of <em>R. apiculata</em> leaf litter was 0.13/day. The average carbohydrate content was 8,78%, and the average protein content was 5,45%.</p> <p>Keywords: Decomposition, Fungus, Litter, <em>Rhizophora apiculata</em></p> Yunasfi Yunasfi, Sri Lestari , Budi Utomo, Afifudin Dalimunthe, Amanatul Fadhilah, Zulheri Noer, Yunita Sihite, Putri Anatasia Samosir, Mahla Rose Alba Auri, Yudha Ilham Ramadhan Copyright (c) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Sustainable Livelihoods in Peatland of Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia: Analysis of Resource Utilization Options in Buntoi Village, Basarang Jaya Village, Sabangau Permai Village, ond Karang Sari Village <p>Peatland resources in Central Kalimantan have long been utilized by the local communities for various activities such as agriculture, gathering, hunting, and timber extraction. The successful exploitation of peatland prompted the Indonesian Government to develop the region through a transmigration program, providing new settlements for people from Java, Madura, and Bali islands who were initially have no experience cultivating peatland. Land suitability issues have resulted in surprises, stress, and a decline in livelihoods among transmigrant populations, particularly concerning the failures in agriculture, especially in cultivating rice, the primary staple food for Indonesians. This research aims to examine the sustainability of livelihoods, determine the conservation aspirations and perceptions of stakeholders, and present alternative land use scenarios. Four villages were selected as samples, including a local village (Buntoi), two migrant villages in peatlands (Basarang Jaya and Sabangau Permai), and one migrant village outside the peatland area (Karang Sari). Data were obtained through interviews and group discussions involving farmers, entrepreneurs, and government officials. The research findings indicate that agriculture on peatlands can be developed through three stages of evolution: the early period, transition and recovery period, and stability or failure period. The stability period may take a long time, up to 20 years, as experienced by farmers in Basarang Jaya. This study provides insights into the sustainability of livelihoods and land use aspirations in Central Kalimantan.</p> <p>Keywords:&nbsp; Livelihood, peatlands, sustainable, utiliztion</p> Darmae Nasir Copyright (c) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Kajian Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula dan Populasi Bakteri pada Mikorhizosfer Semai Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla King.) dalam Pot Organik <p><em>The mycorrhizosphere is the zone of soil influenced by roots colonized by mycorrhizal fungi and contains many microorganisms. This study aims to analyze mycorrhizal and bacterial populations in the mycorrhizosphere of ​​mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King.) seedlings growing in silica sand post-mining media by using organic pot as container growth media. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of two treatments, namely the composition and size of organic pot materials. The results showed that the composition of the organic pot could affect the presence of AMF spores. The organic pots composition of 50% newspaper, 35% compost, and 15% cocopeat showed the best results for the development of AMF spores and bacterial colonies, the development of AMF spores and bacterial colony populations in growing media was better than the development of AMF spores and bacterial colonies in organic pots. There are seven different morphological characters of bacterial colonies which are dominated by round, thready, flat, and white</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: </em><em>arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), bacteria, correlation, mahagony, mycorrhizosphere</em></p> Sri Wilarso Budi, Ayudia Febrina Copyright (c) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700