The estimation of mammal species loss and gain from shrubs to oil palm plantations in South Sumatera

Muhammad Farid Al-Faritsi, Yanto Santosa, Dede Aulia Rahman


Several previous studies stated that land cover changes to oil palm plantations caused the loss of wildlife species, one of which was from the mammals. Therefore, data on the magnitude of this type of loss is needed. This study estimates the amount of loss and gain of mammal species due to the development of oil palm plantations. Data were taken by direct observation (strip transect method) in parallel at the oil palm plantation of PT. Rambang Agro Jaya, South Sumatra. This research was conducted on the land cover before (shrubs) and after the development of oil palm plantations. The study shows that the change from shrubs to oil palm plantations does not change the number of mammal species but increases the species richness index and decreases the species richness index. The similarity index of shrubs and oil palm plantation is 0.56. The development of oil palm plantations also causes the loss and gain of mammal species with the same percentage of 67%. The presence of mammals in oil palm plantation is thought to be due to the feed availability.


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Muhammad Farid Al-Faritsi (Primary Contact)
Yanto Santosa
Dede Aulia Rahman
Al-FaritsiM. F., SantosaY. and RahmanD. A. (2022) “The estimation of mammal species loss and gain from shrubs to oil palm plantations in South Sumatera”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 12(2), pp. 290-300. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.12.2.290-300.

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