Land-use/land cover change and its causes in Bengkalis Island, Riau Province (from 1990-2019)

Lila Juniyanti, Lilik Budi Prasetyo, Dwi Putra Aprianto, Herry Purnomo, Hariadi Kartodihardjo


Indonesia is one of the countries with dynamic land cover changes because the country's economy is sourced from land-based resource management. On the other hand, it has negative impacts such as social conflict and environmental damage. This paper observed patterns of land change and explores its driving forces during 1900-2019 on Bengkalis Island, Indonesia to monitor and provide information that can be used as a base for reducing uncontrolled land-use changes in an area. We reviewed previous reports and research, observed land cover conditions in the field, carried out focus group discussions, and deep interviews. We implemented GIS to capture time-series land cover and land-use changes. The results showed that the forest cover has declined sharply since 1990. After 2000, the area of mixed garden was larger than the forest cover. The area of oil palm and forest plantations began to increase. The transmigration policy has triggered masive land clearing on Bengkalis Island. Land clearing by transmigrants and the economic crisis have led to greater land clearing by spontaneous transmigrants.


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Lila Juniyanti (Primary Contact)
Lilik Budi Prasetyo
Dwi Putra Aprianto
Herry Purnomo
Hariadi Kartodihardjo
JuniyantiL., PrasetyoL. B., ApriantoD. P., PurnomoH. and KartodihardjoH. (2020) “Land-use/land cover change and its causes in Bengkalis Island, Riau Province (from 1990-2019)”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 10(3), pp. 419-435. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.10.3.419-435.

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