Peningkatan stabilitas oksidatif minyak mata tuna dengan metode purifikasi dan penambahan natural astaxanthin (NAst) Improvement of oxidative stability of tuna eyes oil by purification methods and natural astaxanthin (NAst) addition

Nurmaida Nurmaida, Bustami Ibrahim, Wini Trilaksani


Fish oil is a rich source of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) that are essential for human health. These fatty acids, specifically eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6 n-3), have been shown to provide numerous health benefits.Tuna eye stands out for its exceptional DHA content, which allows it to be refined into tuna eyes oil. The disadvantage of tuna eye oil is its susceptibility to oxidative damage.Astaxanthin, a carotenoid pigment, exhibits robust antioxidant properties and suppresses lipid peroxidation, thereby preventing oxidative damage. The objective of this research is to identify the optimal concentration of astaxanthin and the most suitable refined tuna eye oil based on quality parameters and oxidative stability.The purification of tuna oil was accomplished through a process that involved neutralization with 16oBe NaOH, followed by bleaching with 5% magnesol.The subsequent combination of refined tuna eye oil with shrimp shells was carried out at concentrations of 0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% astaxanthin.The parameters that were examined included free fatty acids, peroxide value, p-anisidine, and total oxidation.The outcomes of the study indicated that the refining process of tuna oil through neutralization and bleaching resulted in a free fatty acid content of 0.33±0.08%, a peroxide value of 4.12±0.82 meq/kg, a p-Anisidine value of 2.83±0.22 meq/kg, and a total oxidation of 11.08±1.62 meq/kg. The IC50 value of astaxanthin was found to be 14.14 ppm. The optimal concentration of astaxanthin for addition was determined to be 0.6%, resulting in a free fatty acid content of 1.03±0.05%, a peroxide value of 8.08±0.14 meq/kg, an anisidine value of 9.12±0.02 meq/kg, and a total oxidation value of 25.29±0.31 meq/kg. Among these values, the total oxidation value showed the smallest change after 60 days of storage, and the utilization of purification techniques and incorporation of astaxanthin may enhance the oxidative stability of tuna oil during storage.


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Nurmaida Nurmaida (Primary Contact)
Bustami Ibrahim
Wini Trilaksani
NurmaidaN., IbrahimB., & TrilaksaniW. (2024). Peningkatan stabilitas oksidatif minyak mata tuna dengan metode purifikasi dan penambahan natural astaxanthin (NAst) : Improvement of oxidative stability of tuna eyes oil by purification methods and natural astaxanthin (NAst) addition. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(2), 89-103.

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