Sifat fungsional choux pastry kering dengan substitusi konsentrat protein ikan gabus Functional properties of dry choux pastry substitution with fish protein concentrates of snakehead murrel

Yuliana Arsil, Esthy Rahman Asih


ns high protein content. Processed food products must possess good nutritional and functional properties. This study aimed to determine the functional properties of dry choux pastry substituted with snakehead FPC's, namely the hardness test, amino acid composition, and protein digestibility in vitro. This was an experimental study with laboratory analysis consisting of two treatment groups, namely the control group and dry choux pastry with 15% snakehead FPC. Hardness tests were performed using an LLYOD texture analyzer. Amino acid composition was measured by the UPLC method, cystine and methionine by LC-MS/MS, and tryptophan by HPLC. In vitro protein digestibility was tested using an enzymatic technique. The results showed that the hardness of dry choux pastry with 15% snakehead FPC was higher (35.42 N) than that of the control (24.48 N). The amino acid content of dry choux pastry substituted with 15% snakehead FPC’s was higher than that of the control product, with the highest essential amino acids were leucine (1.65%) and lysine (1.30%), and the highest non-essential amino acids were glutamic acid (4.23%), and aspartic acid (1.87%). The chemical score, amino acid score, and essential amino acid index of dry choux pastry with 15% snakehead FPC’s was higher (12.98; 17.58; 16.83) than the control (9.55; 14.10; 11.93). The in vitro protein digestibility of dry choux pastry substituted with 15% snakehead FPC’s was lower (38.22%) than that of the control (47.96%).


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Yuliana Arsil (Primary Contact)
Esthy Rahman Asih
ArsilY., & AsihE. R. (2023). Sifat fungsional choux pastry kering dengan substitusi konsentrat protein ikan gabus: Functional properties of dry choux pastry substitution with fish protein concentrates of snakehead murrel. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 26(2), 260-270.

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