Karakterisasi Fisik Pati Tapioka Modifikasi Gabungan Hidroksipropilasi dengan Fosfat-Ikat Silang

  • Didah Nur Faridah (SCOPUS ID: 56085572000) Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University,
  • Ali Thonthowi Program Studi Teknologi Pangan, Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor
Keywords: crosslinking, double modification, hidroksipropilation, tapioca starch


Native tapioca starch has a weakness in its functional properties which causes limited use of starch as a food ingredient. This weakness can be overcome by applied double modifications with hydroxypropylation and cross-linking processes. The hydroxypropylation was applied using various concentrations of propylene oxide (8, 10, and 12%), then followed by crosslinking modifications using a combination of STPP (Sodium tripolyphosphate) and STMP (sodium phosphate) with a ratio of 2%: 5%. The results of the double modification can changed the physical and chemical characteristics of starch. These changes include the gelatinization temperature of modified tapioca starch (66.00 – 68.00 oC) which is lower than the natural starch (68.45 oC). The peak viscosity of modified tapioca starch (> 5735 cP) was higher than the original starch (5635 cP) with the viscosity setback was also higher (3136-3564 cP) than the original starch (1192 cP). Modified starch has a lower viscosity decrease value (698-1530 cP) than the original starch (4089 cP). Double modified tapioca starch has heat-resistant and stirring properties


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How to Cite
FaridahD. N., & Thonthowi A. (2020). Karakterisasi Fisik Pati Tapioka Modifikasi Gabungan Hidroksipropilasi dengan Fosfat-Ikat Silang . Jurnal Mutu Pangan : Indonesian Journal of Food Quality, 7(1), 30-37. https://doi.org/10.29244/mpi.2020.7.1.30
Research Paper