Tiga Kelompok Pengunjung berdasarkan Durasi Kunjungan dan Karakteristik Taman


The characteristics of urban parks can attract and makes visitors want to stay longer. The long duration of the visit in the urban park can increase visitor’s attitude toward a place. The longer they stay, the stronger the sense of belonging they have in that place. This current study wants to find out how the grouping of visitors in the urban park was based on the duration of the visit and the characteristics of the park. Data collection was carried out by distributing online questionnaires and the data of 211 respondents was processed for this study. Data was processed by explanatory qualitative method, with open coding, axial coding, and selective coding analyses. The result showed that there were three large groups of visitors in the park, who had different level of attitudes toward urban parks, namely relaxation, escape, and audience group. Audience group was assumed having the highest level of attitude toward urban parks than others. In order to increase the duration of the visit, the urban parks require attractions that are in demand by the audience.

Keywords: duration of the visit, place characteristics, sense of place, urban parks


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Author Biographies

Jasmine C U Bachtiar, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Seorang mahasiswi yang memiliki ketertarikan dalam bidang arsitektur lanskap, terutama pada pemanfaatan taman, efek restoratif taman, dan pemaknaan taman oleh pengunjung berdasarkan sikap terhadap tempat. Dia adalah mahasiswa program pascasarjana Arsitektur Riset 2018 di Institut Teknologi Bandung dan telah menyelesaikan program sarjana Arsitektur di Universitas Brawijaya, Malang tahun 2017. Dia memiliki pengalaman menjadi pemakalah terbaik di Temu Ilmiah IPLBI 2018 di Semarang. Karyanya berjudul Tourist Perception on Seafront Resorts at Gili Air, Lombok, Indonesia (in press) dalam Makara Journal of Technology.

Hanson Endra Kusuma, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Lektor Kepala di kelompok keahlian Perancangan Arsitektur, di Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Hanson telah menempuh studi sarjana di ITB tahun 1993 serta studi program pascasarjana di The University of Tokyo, Jepang pada tahun 1998 dan 2001. Hanson memiliki publikasi internasional dengan judul Factors Affecting Quality of Life among Residents in Major Cities of Indonesia yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Environmental Engineering tahun 2015 dan Effects of Reading Motivation and Perceived Quality of the Reading Space yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering tahun 2017.


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How to Cite
BachtiarJ. C. U., & KusumaH. E. (2019). Tiga Kelompok Pengunjung berdasarkan Durasi Kunjungan dan Karakteristik Taman. Jurnal Lanskap Indonesia, 11(1), 11-16. https://doi.org/10.29244/jli.v11i1.24907