Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia 2024-04-26T11:02:46+07:00 [JHI] Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Open Journal Systems <p><strong><img src="/public/site/images/adminjhi/COVER_DEPAN_JHI.jpg" width="215" height="304"></strong></p> <p><strong>Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia</strong>, JHI (Indonesian Journal of Horticulture), is an official publication of the Indonesian Society for Horticulture, founded in 2010, first launched and published in National Seminar of Indonesian Horticulture, Udayana University – Bali at 25<sup>th</sup> November 2010.</p> <p>The JHI publishes primary research paper, review article, policy analysis and research notes and preliminary results in all areas of horticulture. Manuscripts could be written either in English or in Indonesia. JHI is a triannual publication; April, August, December.</p> <p>The JHI is published Indonesian Society for Horticulture (PERHORTI) in partnership with Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)</p> <p>Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Hortikultura) was <strong>accredited “B”</strong> as a national journal as well as <strong><a title="JHI, SINTA Index" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINTA 2 category</a></strong>, based on Decree of Directorate General for Higher Education No 2/E/KPT/2015, dated 1<sup>st </sup>December 2005 on Accreditation of Scientific Journals by Directorate General for Higher Education in the first period on 2015. In 2020, based on Decree of Minister of Research and Technology/BRIN, No&nbsp;200/M/KPT/2020, dated 23 December 2020, JHI was accredited <strong>SINTA 2</strong> <a title="Sertificate of SINTA 2 JHI" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">[Download]</a> .</p> <p><strong><strong><strong><strong>p-ISSN: &nbsp;<a title="SILAKAN KLIK DI SINI!" href=";1400749509&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">20</a></strong></strong><strong><strong><a title="SILAKAN KLIK DI SINI!" href=";1400749509&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">87-4855</a> - e-ISSN:&nbsp; <a title="SILAKAN KLIK DISINI!" href=";1515645615&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-2872</a></strong></strong></strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></p> Penggunaan Sensor Kelembaban Tanah untuk Penetapan Jadwal Penyiraman Tanaman Cabai melalui Irigasi Tetes 2024-01-27T15:34:58+07:00 Anas D Susila Ketty Suketi Mathias Pratama <p>Fertigation through drip irrigation is an adaptation technology in dealing with climate change. Chili planting using drip irrigation in dry land requires an appropriate watering schedule. The aim of this study was to evaluate the watering method based on soil moisture sensors and evapotranspiration values in chili planting using drip irrigation. The research was conducted at the Cikarawang Experimental Field, IPB University, Bogor, from July to September 2022. Imola chili varieties were grown on fields with available P content of 19.6 ppm (medium) and available K of 84.64 ppm (high) (Mechlih-1), 1.45 % C Organic, and a pH of 6.85. Treatment of the watering schedule of the arrangement in a randomized block design with 1xETc, 2xETc (without sensor), 2xETc-S (using a soil moisture sensor) treatment with 6 repetitions. The results showed that all watering methods could be used to support chili production with an average productivity of 8,825 - 10,797 ton ha-1. In general, the 2xETc-S treatment produced the highest fruit weight per bed compared to the 1xETc and 2xETc treatments. The highest unmarketable pasar chili fruit weight per bed was in the 2xETc treatment. For commercial field implementation, it is necessary to consider the number of sensors, humidity thresholds, and watering volume to maximize quality and productivity.</p> <p>Keywords: dryland, evapotranspiration, irrigation scheduling, soil moisture sensor</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Pengaruh Cekaman Air dan Interval Pemupukan Daun terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Katuk (Sauropus androgynous (L.) Merr.) 2024-01-16T15:43:58+07:00 Aris Aprilianto Juang Gema Kartika Anas Dinurrohman Susila <p><em>Katuk is vegetables which can fulfil human nutritional needs.</em> <em>Plants experiencing water stress require additional nutrients in the growth process, namely by means of fertilization. The study aimed to determine the effect of water stress and foliar fertilization interval on the growth of katuk plants. The experimental design used was a split-plot design in a completely randomized group design (RKLT) consisting of 2 factors: leaf fertilization interval as the main plot and water stress as a subplot. The foliar fertilization interval consisted of 3 levels, namely P0 (without fertilization), P1 (2 weeks), and P2 (4 weeks). The water stress factor consists of 4 levels, namely C1 (40% field capacity (KL)), C2 (60% KL), C3 (80% KL), and C4 (100% KL). The study was conducted with three replications obtained from 12 combinations so that there were 36 experimental units. Water stress did not significantly affect the growth of katuk plants. The growth of plants that received a reduction in water supply of up to 40 field capacity was still equivalent to plants with water supply of up to field capacity (100%). The time of foliar fertilization had a significant effect on the parameters of the number of branches, number of leaves, and harvest weight at intervals of 2 and 4 weeks. The interaction between water stress and foliar fertilization did not affect the growth of katuk plants.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: effect, nutrients, nutrition, parameters, vegetables</em></p> 2023-12-30T16:19:33+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Bunga Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) pada Berbagai Frekuensi Pinching dan Jenis Pupuk 2024-01-16T15:36:15+07:00 Muthi'ah Khairun Nisa Dewi Sukma Syarifah Iis Aisyah Muhamad Syukur Dewa Ngurah Suprapta <p>The effect of pinching frequency and fertilizer type on the growth and production of the T. erecta variety (var.) Sudamala Oranye 1 should be studied, as the release of new varieties is often accompanied by cultivation systems that align with the plant characteristics. This research was conducted at CV. Benih Dramaga, Bogor, West Java from March to July 2023. The experiment used T. erecta var. Sudamala Orange 1 seedling from cutting, with pinching frequencies every 2 days (F1), 4 days (F2), and 6 days (F3) and fertilizer types, namely AB Mix 1000 ppm (J1) and NPK 16-16-16 5000 + Gandasil 2000 (J2) as factors. Results revealed that pinching frequency significantly affected the percentage of surviving plants, and the fresh weight of individual flowers also had a highly significant impact on flower size. The fertilizer type significantly affected the percentage of bacterial wilt-infected plants, and surviving plants also had a highly significant effect on the flower harvesting period for T. erecta var. Sudamala Orange 1. Qualitative observations showed variations in leaf and petal color due to the fertilizer type. Pinching every 2 days resulted in the highest yield components, although it was not significantly different from other frequencies. The highest T. erecta var. Sudamala Oranye 1 flower yield was found with the application of AB Mix fertilizer 1000 ppm.<br>Keywords: AB Mix, disbudding, gandasil, NPK, shoot cuttings</p> 2023-12-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Karakterisasi Taoge dan Potensinya pada Galur-Galur Kacang Hijau IPB 2024-01-16T15:06:05+07:00 Zannuba Ishmatalhaq Siti Marwiyah Surjono Hadi Sutjahjo Desta Wirnas <p>Bean sprouts are one type of vegetable that is widely consumed by Indonesians. One of them is produced from the germination of mung bean seeds (<em>Vigna radiata</em> L.). Bean sprouts contain several substances that act as antioxidants including phytosterols, phenols, flavonoids, vitamin E, niacin, vitamin C, and several minerals. Bean sprouts has quite promising production potential, given the many benefits contained in the vegetables. This study aims to obtain information on the character of seeds and bean sprouts, estimating the potential of bean sprouts and obtaining potential strains to be produced into bean sprouts in IPB mung bean strains. The research was conducted from February to March 2023 at the Plant Breeding Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. Mung bean genetic material consisted of 17 IPB mung bean strains and two national varieties (Vima 1 and Vimil 1) for comparison. Sprout testing was conducted based on a randomized complete block design (RCBD) of 19 genotypes with three replications. The study used 30 mung bean grains per unit of experiment. Observations were made on quantitative and qualitative characters of bean sprouts and seeds of IPB mung bean strains. The results showed a significant effect of genotype on the characters of bean sprout length, bean sprout unit weight, bean sprout total weight and 100-grain weight. IPB mung bean strains that have the potential to produce superior bean sprouts are F7-VR10/V1-49, F7-Lom2/129-37, F7-VR10/V1-27, F7-Lom2/129-34, F7-VR10/V1-13, F7-Lom2/129-49, and F7-VR10/V1-29.</p> <p>Keywords: production, qualitative, quantitative, seeds, sprouts, yield potentiial</p> 2023-12-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Aplikasi Abu Sekam dan Ketersediaan Air untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan, Hasil dan Kandungan Flavonoid Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) 2024-01-16T15:54:11+07:00 Ria Anita Pertiwi Hilda Susanti Dewi Erika Adriani <p><em>The study aimed to analyze the role of rice husk ash dose and water availability in increasing growth, yield and flavonoid content of Dayak onions. The research was carried out from May to October 2022 in the Greenhouse at Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University. The design used was a two-factor randomized block design with 3 repetitions, the first factor of rice husk ash dosage consisted of 4 levels: 0 ton ha-1, 2.5 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, dan 7.5 ton ha-1, and the second factor was the level of water availability consisting of 4 levels: 100% field capacity, 75% field capacity, 50% field capacity and 25% field capacity. The results showed that application of rice husk ash might increase the number of leaves, number of tillers, weight of bulbs, and flavonoid content in Dayak onion bulbs. The highest flavonoid content of 0.101%, was obtained at a dose of 7.5 ton ha-1. The treatment of water availability below field capacity tended to reduce the growth, yield and flavonoid content of Dayak onions. The dry weight of the bulbs has more influence on the flavonoid content of Dayak onion bulbs rather than the number of bulbs.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: ameliorant, field capacity, medicinal plants, secondary metabolites</em></p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Limbah Belimbing dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Tomat 2024-01-27T15:33:37+07:00 Inanpi Hidayati Sumiasih Mutiara Dewi Puspitawati Fitriani Herrachmadani <p>Star fruit waste is resulted from fruit thinning or peak harvesting season. It is not used optimally and can cause unpleasant odor around the star fruit orchard. Fruit waste can be used for organic liquid fertilizer and applied in tomato cultivation. The goal of this study is to determine the optimal dosage of liquid organic fertilizer from star fruit waste in order to improve tomato quality and assist sustainable agriculture. The research was carried from August 2021 to March 2022, at Attaqie Farm in Tuban, East Java. The experiment used one-factor treatment in Randomized Block Design with four dose levels of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) namely 0 ml, 25 ml, 35 ml, and 45 ml LOF per polybag with three replications and each replication used five plant samples. Each treatment is repeated three times and each repetition utilize five plant samples. Fertilization is carried out every week from 2 to 10 weeks after planting (WAP) or for 9 weeks. The study’s findings indicate that applying a 35 ml LOF/polybag is more effective and efficient in achieving the greatest tomato production and quality results in terms of fruit number, fresh fruit weight, and quality. Based on the results of bacterial analysis, the LOF of star fruit waste complies with the specified quality standards.</p> <p>Key words: content of bacteria, stage of tomato maturity, total&nbsp;soluble&nbsp;solids</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Pelilinan untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Cabai Rawit Varietas Lokal Garut dan Ori 212 pada Penyimpanan Suhu Rendah 2024-04-26T11:02:46+07:00 Erlin Vira Novianti Darda Efendi Endang Gunawan <p><em>Cayenne pepper has a short shelf life after harvest. Postharvest handling is needed to extend the shelf life and maintain the quality of chili pepper, coating fruit with safe materials for consumption. The coating materials used such as bees wax, carnauba wax, and chitosan. This study aimed to determine the concentration of each different coating material that is effective to extend the shelf life and maintain fruit quality with low-temperature storage. The study used a single factor Randomized Block Design, namely the concentration of coating material. The parameters observed </em><em>were</em> <em>destructive and non-destructive. Destructive parameters include</em><em>d</em><em> moisture content and non-destructive parameters included fruit weight loss, visual quality of fruit, the appearance of disease symptoms, fruit rot, and</em> <em>dryness. The results showed that coatings in combination with low-temperature storage could reduce weight loss, maintain visual quality, and inhibit</em> <em>the appearance of disease symptoms. Local Garut variety of cayenne pepper coated with 0.5% beeswax, 0.5% carnauba wax, and 1.5% chitosan, as well as ori 212 cayenne pepper with 0.5% beeswax, 1.5% carnauba wax, and chitosan 2% with low-temperature storage was able to maintain fruit quality for 30 days.&nbsp; </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: cayenne pepper, edible coating, storage, postharvest </em></p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Daun Lamtoro terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Selada Merah 2024-04-26T10:29:14+07:00 Elfarisna Ogtaviani Sukma Putri Erlina Rahmayuni <p>Lettuce is a type of vegetable that is very popular in Indonesia. Efforts to increase lettuce production can be made by providing liquid organic fertilizer. The study aimed to determine the application several of liquid organic fertilizer concentrations of lamtoro leaves on the growth and production of red lettuce. The research was carried out from February to May 2021, in the Japos Housing area, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City. The research used a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD), with five liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) concentrations, namely P0: Inorganic fertilizer (Control), P1: 5% LOF concentration, P2: 10% LOF concentration, P3: 15% LOF concentration, and P4: 20% LOF concentration. The effect of inorganic fertilizers is more visible on several parameters, such as plant height, number of leaves, and root weight. Lamtoro leaf liquid organic fertilizer treatment, especially at a concentration of 10%, can provide results equivalent to inorganic fertilizer on several growth parameters of red lettuce plants, wet weight parameters, and plant consumption weight. In general, crop yields are still low, thought to be influenced by factors such as soil type, climate, and plant genetic variations which influence the. plant's response to the fertilizer provided.</p> <p>Keywords: concentration, nutrient, vegetable</p> 2023-12-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia