Corynespora cassiicola Penyebab Noda Hitam pada Buah Pepaya

  • Kurniasih Mucharomah
  • Loekas Soesanto
  • Endang Mugiastuti
Keywords: colony surface, conidiophore, disease incidence, disease severity, papaya 'California' variety


Corynespora cassiicola Causes Black Spots on Papayas

One of the problems in papaya production is black spot disease which causes the appearance of the fruit to be less attractive and lowers the market price. This study aimed to isolate, identify, and determine the level of pathogenicity of the cause of black spot disease on papaya var. California. Identification was carried out based on morphological characters, while in vivo experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design with five replications. The treatment involved the vertical position of the fruits (first, second, third, fourth, and fifth), all fruit were inoculated with pathogenic fungi. The results showed that disease symptoms on papaya fruit involving small yellowish to dark brown spots is caused by the fungus Corynespora cassiicola. The fungus C. cassiicola has black-brown colonies, the surface of the colonies is smooth with flat edges, and curved like velvet. This fungus has a few upright conidiophores bent, septa, single and some are branched, brown, while the conidia are single, slightly bent, and septa 2–12. The pathogenicity of this fungus is moderate. The fastest incubation period occurred in fruit with the fourth vertical position, the largest disease spot areas was in the fruit in the first vertical position, and the highest disease severity was in the fruit with the first vertical position.


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How to Cite
MucharomahK., SoesantoL., & MugiastutiE. (2023). Corynespora cassiicola Penyebab Noda Hitam pada Buah Pepaya. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, 16(5), 200–206. Retrieved from

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