Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan 2024-02-01T09:44:47+07:00 Prof. Sulistiono Open Journal Systems <p>Journal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan (JTPK), formerly known as Maritek, was established in 1991 and is managed by the Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University. Since 2010, the publication of JTPK has been jointly managed by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Sains Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia (MSKPI). The letter of agreement can be seen <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> <p>JTPK publishes articles twice a year with the aim of disseminating scientific information on the development of fisheries and marine technology which includes: capture fisheries technology, marine technology, fisheries and marine remote sensing, acoustics and instrumentation, fishery vessel technology, fishery product processing technology, aquaculture technology, marine biotechnology, coastal and marine management techniques, aquatic environment management techniques, and fisheries and marine socioeconomics. Since Volume 4 Number 2 (2013), each number publishes 10 articles.</p> ANALISIS KONDISI POPULASI DAN KEBERLANJUTAN PERIKANAN LEMURU (Sardinella lemuru) DI TELUK AWANG KABUPATEN LOMBOK TENGAH 2024-01-26T12:54:00+07:00 Lalu Achmad Tan Tilar Wangsajati Sukmaring Kalih Denianto Yoga Sativa Kasim Kasim Muhammad Zaeni Evita Rosalinda Islamiah Hamid Hamid Luh Gede Sumahiradewi <p>Bali Sardinella (<em>Sardinella lemuru</em>) is one of the small pelagic fish widely utilized by people in Lombok island. It serves not only to meet food needs on a household scale but also as a raw material on an industrial scale. This causes a high level of utilization of the Bali Sardinella in West Nusa Tenggara (WNT) Province. Awang Bay is one of the fishing ground centers in the province. This study aimed to determine and describe the population condition and sustainability status of the Bali Sardinella fishery in the Awang Bay based on the biological fisheries condition. The sampling was carried out in Awang Bay from July to August 2022. A total of 306 individuals of fish were sampled and measured for length and weight. This study found that the fish population had a negative allometric growth pattern, indicating a thin body shape. The population was dominated by young fish with 6,40-16,20 cm fork length and 3,0-39,0 g weight. The proportion of fish population that are suitable for maturation, catching, and consumption was 30%, 30%, and 37%, respectively. Feasibility parameter values ranging below 50% indicated that Bali Sardinella fishery activities from July until August were less sustainable. The results of this study can be used as one of the basic information for the local government in developing fisheries management policies in the WNT Province.</p> 2024-01-26T11:03:37+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan PENGARUH PEMBERIAN PUPUK UREA DENGAN DOSIS BERBEDA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN RUMPUT LAUT (Caulerpa lentillifera) 2024-01-26T12:46:12+07:00 Rendiansyah Rendiansyah Nur Indah Sari Arbit Saharuddin Saharuddin <p>This study aims to determine the effect of different doses of urea fertilizer on the growth of seaweed (<em>Caulerpa lentillifera</em>). The research utilized a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications: treatment A (control without urea fertilizer application at 0 mg/L), treatment B (urea fertilizer application at 27 mg/L), treatment C (urea fertilizer application at 47 mg/L), and treatment D (urea fertilizer application at 67 mg/L). The parameters tested were absolute growth rate and specific growth rate. Data analysis was conducted using ANOVA. Seaweed (<em>Caulerpa lentillifera</em>) specimens, with an average weight of 200 g (totaling 2,400 g), each of 200 g samples were placed in aquariums sized 40x40x35 cm and maintained for 35 days. The absolute growth rate obtained for treatment A (without fertilizer application) was -111 g, for Treatment D was -115 g, for treatment C was -129.3 g, and the lowest was observed for treatment B at -135.7 g. The specific growth rate obtained for treatment A (without fertilizer application) was -2.68 g, for treatment D was -2.74 g, for treatment C was -3.00 g, and the lowest was observed for treatment B at -3.28 g. Based on the results of the ANOVA test, it can be concluded that the addition of urea fertilizer at different doses did not have a significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on the absolute growth rate and specific growth rate of the seaweed (<em>Caulerpa lentillifera</em>).</p> 2024-01-26T11:15:39+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan STATUS KEBERLANJUTAN EKOWISATA HUTAN MANGROVE DI DESA PURWOREJO, KECAMATAN PASIR SAKTI, LAMPUNG TIMUR 2024-01-26T12:46:09+07:00 Sepnina Like Lestari Chantika Killa Salsadila Henni Wijayanti Maharani <p>The Community of Purworejo has started planting mangroves to prevent abrasion and high tides from reaching community settlements. Mangrove forest resource management has been carried out since 2011 and opened ecotourism in 2018. Ecotourism management in Purworejo Village was not going well, therefore efforts were needed to increase sustainability in ecotourism management. This research aims to analyze the sustainability status of mangrove forest ecotourism in Purworejo Village based on sustainability dimensions (ecological, economic, and institutional) and analyze the factors that influence the sustainability index of mangrove forest ecotourism in Purworejo Village. This research was carried out from June to August 2022, in the Register 15 mangrove area, Purworejo Village, Pasir Sakti District, East Lampung Regency. The method used was qualitative with descriptive research type. The data analysis used was Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) using the Rapfish application and Leverage analysis. The results of this research show that the ecotourism sustainability status value was 51.82 in the category index 50.01-75.00 or quite sustainable. The most influential attributes for the sustainability index value were substrate type, sales potential for mangrove seeds, and availability of planning regulations. These results prove that ecotourism can operate well by improving several supporting factors for sustainable ecotourism.</p> 2024-01-26T11:37:27+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan ANALISIS PENANGANAN IKAN YANG BAIK DI PPS NIZAM ZACHMAN JAKARTA DENGAN METODE DESIGN THINKING 2024-01-26T12:46:06+07:00 Hadi Purwanto Muhammad Hery Riyadi Alauddin Muhammad Suni Ramli <p>The quality and safety of fishery products is an important thing to ensure the quality of fishery commodities. One form of concern for the quality of capture fishery products is the issuance of Good Fish Handling Practices (CPIB) certificates for fishing vessels. Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port (PPS) of Jakarta is one of the largest fishing ports in Indonesia. However, fish demolition activities carried out at the Nizam Zachman Fishing Port are still manual and not hygienic. It is proven that a small number of ships based at the ocean fishery port have CPIB certificates. Of the approximately 1,700 vessels based on the ocean fishery port, only about 500 vessels have CPIB certificates. This activity aims to find problems faced in the process of handling fish properly so the quality of fish is maintained. The design thinking method was used in this research. Data analysis was carried out using the cumulative frequency analysis method presented in the form of Tables and Paretto Diagrams. In 2022, out of 34 vessels applying for CPIB certificates, 25 vessels did not fulfill the parameter of automatic temperature recorder. An automatic temperature recorder is one of the requirements to carry out export activities to the European Union. The design thinking method was used to solve the problem through an automatic temperature recording device innovation with an Internet of Things (IoT) approach.</p> 2024-01-26T12:05:04+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan KLASTERISASI PERIKANAN TANGKAP SKALA KECIL UNTUK MENGETAHUI DINAMIKA KOMPETISI PENANGKAPAN DI PELABUHAN PERIKANAN NUSANTARA PRIGI 2024-01-26T12:46:02+07:00 Brillian Prastica Ledhyane Ika Harlyan Wahida Kartika Sari <p>Small-scale capture fisheries are characterized by multigear and multispecies. The condition of multigear and multispecies fisheries can cause pressure on fisheries resource stocks due to the increase in the number of fishing gears. The increase in the number of fishing gear has caused competition among fishermen to catch the fish. Therefore, it is important to cluster the activities of small-scale capture fisheries to effectively manage and sustain these resources. The research aims to analyze the clustering of small-scale capture fisheries at the Prigi Nusantara Fishery Port and examine the dynamics of fishing competition by studying the distribution of fishing areas and the types of fish caught. The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) method was used to cluster the data collected from 2010 to 2021 and spatial analysis was performed using fishing area coordinates obtained through participatory mapping. The research findings indicated that fishing gears tend to form clusters that vary annually, with the changes influenced by the diversity of catches obtained from each gear. Gill nets mostly belong to the same cluster as other fishing gear, although there were exceptions in 2015, 2017, and 2019. The analysis of Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) demonstrates stable productivity values for seine net and troll line fishing gear. Spatial analysis results in a fishing area map revealed closely located fishing spots where handline, troll line, and gill net fishing equipment were utilized, leading to a high diversity of caught species.</p> 2024-01-26T12:21:58+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan PERUBAHAN TUTUPAN LAHAN MANGROVE DAN GARIS PANTAI MENGGUNAKAN CITRA MULTI SPEKTRAL DI TALIBURA, KABUPATEN SIKKA 2024-02-01T09:44:43+07:00 Guido Roberto Jerun Parera Vincentius P. Siregar Syamsul Bahri Agus <p>Mangrove land degradation causes changes in the coastline. The coastal area of ​​Talibura District (Sikka Regency) is one of the areas that has a mangrove ecosystem. The existence of residents in this area causes interaction with the mangrove ecosystem resulting in degradation of the mangrove ecosystem. In the coastal area of ​​Talibura District there was no research had been done regarding changes in the mangrove land cover and coastlines for 30 years. This study aims to determine changes in mangrove land cover and coastlines from 1990-2019 in Talibura District. Mangrove land cover was obtained using the Supervised Classification method and change in the coastline was determined using the DSAS method by calculating the statistic rate of change in coastlines from Landsat image data recorded in 1990, 2004, and 2019. The results showed that there was mangrove degradation of 60.84 ha during the 1990-2004 period and mangrove expansion of 2.43 ha; it implied coastline abrasions in the degradation area with the highest value of -487.54 m and accretions with the highest value of 307.45 m in areas where the mangrove ecosystem has been maintained.</p> 2024-02-01T09:33:13+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan ESTIMASI RADIUS DEFORMASI UPWELLING DARI DATA SATELIT DAN ARGO FLOAT 2024-02-01T09:44:41+07:00 Hariansyah Noor Jonson Lumban Gaol I Wayan Nurjaya <p>Upwelling is the process of seawater mass rising from the lower layers to the surface due to surface pressure differences. The upwelling process will increase the fertility of the waters because the water mass in the deep layer rises to the surface which is rich in nutrients needed by phytoplankton to grow. The extent of the upwelling area (deformation radius) will determine the impact of the upwelling process in the waters. This research aims to analyze the upwelling process and deformation radius from thermal sensor satellite data. The data used were daily thermal satellite data and monthly averages during 2014-2018. Data from the Argo buoy was used to validate the satellite data and calculate the upwelling deformation radius. Statistical analyses such as correlation, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), bias, and standard deviation were applied to test the accuracy of the satellite estimation of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data. Deformation radius calculation data from Argo showed that in the eastern season of upwelling, the SST ranged between 24 to 26ºC, otherwise normally it ranged between 27 to 29ºC. The correlation between SPL from satellite data and SPL data from Argo is 0.92, the RMSE value was 0.0236, the bias was 0.017, and the standard deviation was 0.287. The correlation coefficient between the deformation radius from in situ data and satellite data was calculated to be high (r=0.9), indicating that satellite imagery can be used to determine the deformation radius.</p> 2024-02-01T09:33:52+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan PERBANDINGAN KOMPONEN PASANG SURUT YANG DIPEROLEH MELALUI PENGUKURAN TIDE GAUGE DAN SATELIT ALTIMETRI 2024-02-01T09:44:36+07:00 Eko Yuli Handoko Muhammad Aldila Syariz Muhammad Hanan Ashiddiqi <p>Tidal variations, which result from the gravitational forces imposed by celestial bodies such as the sun and moon on the earth's masses of water, exhibit recurring alterations in the levels of the oceans. The conventional approach for monitoring tides entails the use of tidal gauges, however, satellite altimetry offers an alternate means of measurement. Tide gauges provide accurate measurements, albeit their effectiveness is contingent upon their specific geographical placement. On the other hand, altimetry satellites provide worldwide coverage, but with less temporal resolution. A least squares harmonic analysis is employed to examine tidal components using altimetry satellites. Nevertheless, this approach has a diminished temporal resolution in comparison to tide gauges. The present work aims to extract sea surface height data of the Jason-3 altimetry satellites to estimate sea surface heights, and subsequently compares these estimates with human tidal gauge readings. The study centers on the measuring of amplitude and phase of individual tidal components. The findings of this study reveal that the K1 tidal component demonstrates the biggest average difference, as measured by the root mean square error (RMSE), with a value of 0.360 m.</p> 2024-02-01T09:34:27+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan PENDUGAAN POTENSI LESTARI IKAN LAYANG BIRU (Decapterus macarellus) DI PERAIRAN SEBELAH BARAT SUMATERA UTARA 2024-02-01T09:44:47+07:00 Ricky Winrison Fuah Wanda Fernanda Lase Joko Samiaji Rosi Rahayu Femi Riza <p>Uncontrolled, continuous fishing activities and the absence of recruitment processes are indicated to lead to the degradation of fish species. A significant portion of the mackerel scad stock currently relies on natural resources, resulting in unstable fish stocks and abundance when captured without proper management. This research aims to calculate the Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), and evaluate the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), and Total Allowable Catch (TAC/JTB) of mackerel scad. The study was conducted at the Sibolga Fishing Port with data collection carried out through surveys and utilizing the surplus production method of the Schaefer model. The findings indicated that the CPUE value in 2018 was 0,639 tons per trip, which increased to 0,764 tons per trip in 2019, then decreased to 0,527 tons per trip in 2020, and further reduced to 0,506 tons per trip in 2021. However, in 2022 it increased, back to 0,639 tons per trip again. Purse seine gear emerged as the most influential fishing method for mackerel scad resources, experiencing fluctuations in effort levels every year. In the meantime, the C<sub>MSY</sub> value from the Schaefer model was 8,699.7, leading to the conclusion that the fishing status is already fully exploited. Meanwhile, the F<sub>MSY</sub> value was &nbsp;5,447 trips, indicating an overfishing situation since the annual catch effort has exceeded the F<sub>MSY</sub> value. The allowable catch limit (TAC/JTB) was set at 6,959.7 tons.</p> 2024-02-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan KOMBINASI BAHAN PENYALUT MIKROENKAPSULASI PEPTON DARI IKAN BUSUK MULTISPESIES HASIL TANGKAPAN SAMPINGAN (HTS) 2024-02-01T09:44:32+07:00 Bustami Ibrahim Tati Nurhayati Ayu Setiti Swastikawati <p>Pepton merupakan salah satu produk yang bersifat higroskopis ketika terkena udara, mudah berikatan dengan air, dan mengalami penggumpalan selama penyimpanan, sehingga mudah mengalami kerusakan mutu secara fisik dan kimiawi. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat mikroenkapsulat pepton ikan hasil tangkapan sampingan (HTS) multispesies busuk dengan rasio penyalut antara kombinasi bahan penyalut maltodekstrin dan natrium kaseinat yang terbaik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam empat tahapan yaitu pembuatan pepton cair dengan ikan HTS yang sudah dibusukkan selama 12 jam, lalu dimikroenkapsulasi dengan bahan penyalut maltodekstrin dan natrium kaseinat, dan kemudian mengujicobakan mikroenkapsulat pepton yang sudah dikarakterisasi untuk media pertumbuhan bakteri <em>S. aureus</em> dan <em>E</em><em>. coli</em>. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio penyalut antara kombinasi bahan penyalut maltodekstrin dan natrium kaseinat yang terbaik adalah 75:25. Mikroenkapsulat pepton ikan HTS multispesies busuk memiliki komposisi kimia yaitu kadar air 6,61%, kadar abu 1,67%, kadar protein 32,40%, dan kadar lemak 0,38%. Karakteristik kimia produk yang dihasilkan antara lain kelarutan 45,28%, total nitrogen 4,20%, α-amino nitrogen bebas 0,21 g/100 g, AN/TN 5%, kadar garam 0,40%, pH 5,66, dan gula pereduksi 16,22%. Karakteristik fisik yang diukur adalah derajat putih dengan nilai 95,37%. Nilai aktivitas air (a<sub>w</sub>) produk pada saat 4 jam pertama menunjukkan nilai lebih rendah daripada nilai a<sub>w</sub> standard yaitu ≤0,53. Hasil pengukuran <em>Optical Density </em>(OD) menunjukkan adanya pola pertumbuhan pada bakteri <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> dan<em> Escherichia coli.</em></p> 2024-02-01T09:41:33+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan