Test of Phytopathogenicity, Hemolysis and Microbial Ability in Solubilizing Phosphate and Potassium

Uji Fitopatogenitas, Hemolisis serta Kemampuan Mikrob dalam Melarutkan Fosfat dan Kalium

  • Desak Ketut Tristiana Sukmadewi Program Studi Bioteknologi Tanah dan Lingkungan, Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB, Jl. Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
  • Iswandi Anas Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Jl. Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
  • Rahayu Widyastuti Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Jl. Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
  • Ania Cintaresmini Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, Jl. Lebak Bulus Raya No. 49 Jakarta Selatan 12440


Soil microbes have an important role in the cycle of phosphorus and potassium.  Therefore, a multifunctional microbe is required to have two or more functions. Before a multifunctional test is performed, the microbes must be tested and confirmed, they are not pathogenic. The purpose of this research was to study phytopathogenicity, hemolysis and microbial ability in solubilizing phosphate and phosphate. The research procedure consisted of phytopathogenicity test, hemolysis test, the test of phosphate solubilizing ability on Pikovskaya solid medium and potassium solubilizing ability on Alexandrov solid medium. Based on the results of phytopatgonecity tests on bacteria and fungi, all isolates are non-phytopathogenic. From the hemolysis test of bacterial isolate BPK 2, BPK 6 and BPK 7 caused total hemolysis. Based on the hemolysis test of fungi isolate SSIO 6 caused total hemolysis, FPF E1 and JK 6 caused partial hemolysis. Isolate BPK 5 has the highest index in solubilizing potassium (1.375), while isolate BPF 9 has the highest index in solubilizing phosphate (1.533).

Keywords: Microbe, multifunctional, pathogenicity, phosphate solubilizing, potassium solubilizing


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How to Cite
SukmadewiD. K. T., AnasI., WidyastutiR., & CintaresminiA. (2017). Test of Phytopathogenicity, Hemolysis and Microbial Ability in Solubilizing Phosphate and Potassium: Uji Fitopatogenitas, Hemolisis serta Kemampuan Mikrob dalam Melarutkan Fosfat dan Kalium. Jurnal Ilmu Tanah Dan Lingkungan, 19(2), 68-73. https://doi.org/10.29244/jitl.19.2.68-73