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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan)  is a journal online and can be accessed openly at; This journal only publishes articles in the form of research (research paper) and the literature review (review papers). Articles in the form of comments (comments of paper) on the articles published in this journal or other journals can be considered for acceptance.
a. Articles in the form of research are original and not published in other journals—the results of research in the form of theoretical exposition with the development of data and in-depth evaluation. JSIL does not accept articles in the form of case studies and report the results of community service by the reviews too familiar. The total length of the manuscript, including references, should not exceed 10000 words.
b. Articles in the form of literature result from a critical review of the phenomenon and the planning process in the field of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering. The article is not a general review and should be focused on a specific description of one study. The total length of the manuscript is more flexible depending on the article's description.
c. Articles in the form of comments should display originality in expressing criticism of the article with a maximum period of one year from the date of issuance and showing a strong argument that is not presented confrontational. Articles will be sent to the author of the journal, all for the response to be published after approval from the journal's editors. Comments and replies to each author should not exceed 1,200 words.

The general aim of the journal is to provide information relevant knowledge of planning, designing, and construction in the field of civil engineering infrastructure are supported by environmental and geomatics applied aspects. This information is expected to accommodate the needs of globalization, sustainability, and the development of the latest technologies by considering the environment, health, and public. The specifications of the topics include: structure, irrigation, drainage, water quality, water construction, hydrology, water management, groundwater conservation, soil mechanics, foundation, soil improvement, slope stability, liquefaction, and soil modeling, road engineering, transportation management, construction management, environmental atmosphere, and climate change environment (control of greenhouse gases, air quality models, climate change locally and globally), renewable energy and waste management (recovery of energy from waste, incineration, landfills, and green energy, biotechnology environment (nano-bio sensors, bioenergy, environmental eco-engineering), technology, physical, biological, and chemical (membrane technology, the process of advanced oxidation technology Physico-chemical, biological treatment of water), engineering environmental control (desalination, ICA (instruments, management, and automation), and water reuse technologies) and Applied geomatics

Writing and publication ethics

Policy on research and publication ethics should at least meet the following criteria:

  1. Statement of conflict of interest, If there is a conflict of interest, authors should disclose the information in the article.
  2. Author, Authorship credit should be based on 1) the most significant contribution to the conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or critical revision contents for important intellectual content, and 3) final approval of the version to be published. The authors must fulfill these three requirements. No changes are allowed after the acceptance of the article authors.
  3. Originality and duplicate publication, All original articles should be written and considered by other scientific journals.

Peer-review process

The editorial board will first review articles' general feasibility of language and content writing. Then, the paper will be reviewed by two reviewers, following the area of expertise. Editorial Board may ask the author to revise the article following reviewers' opinions. After the revised article, the author must upload the revised article with additional articles to reply to and respond to any reviewer's comments. Revision of the author must be completed within 15 days after the request. If the article is not received by the due date, the editorial board uses it as a pillow, and articles cannot reprocess the same title. To extend the revision period up to more than 30 days, the authors should contact the editorial board beforehand. The review process should be completed after the approval of article reviewers and editor. Editorial Board will make a final decision on approval for the article's publication and may request the correction, revision, and further removal of the article text if required. The final revision must be submitted within one week after the request.

Publishing Fees

There is no fee for the publication of the article that was successfully published. However, financing is subject to change, and editors will provide information on any changes in publishing fees.

Articles submission

Authors of articles are required to register as a member J-Sil in advance through the following website address: On the site, the author must fill out the entire profile data. After all entries in the form are completed, authors are given the option on the "register as" as readers, authors, and reviewers. Then, I click the "register" to get confirmation from the editor via email at the registration of members elected. For authors who have registered as members of J-Sil, articles sent by clicking the "new submission" in the "home user" and followed by the following five steps:

  • Start
  • Upload Submission
  • Enter Metadata
  • Upload Supplementary Files
  • Confirmation

Format articles

  1. Any articles on research results compiled and written sequentially according to the format: title, author's full name, Affiliation and complete address of the author, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if necessary), and Bibliography.
  2. Articles in the form of literature composed and written sequentially according to the format: title, full name author, Affiliation and complete address of the author, Abstract, Introduction, Some headings supporters based on a literature review, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if necessary), and Bibliography.
  3. Articles in the form of comments on the manuscript published were composed and written sequentially according to the format: title, full name author, Affiliation and complete address of the author, Abstract, Introduction, and some headings supporter review comments, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if necessary), and Bibliography.


  1. General instructions
  • Articles should include an introduction to the editor of the journal sheet (cover letter) to describe a general overview article, specifications of the study topic, aspects of reform (novelty) study by comparison with previous studies. The delivery sheet does not exceed two pieces.
  • J-SIL may be written in Indonesian or English with a sentence structure according to the rules of raw writing scientific papers.
  • Article typed using the minimum Microsoft Office 2010 with A4 paper size, typeface Arial 11pt, 1.15 space, and single column.
  •  The article should include line numbering the entire page.
  • The article should include page numbering.
  1. Title
  • Title of the article using Indonesian and English.
  • Headlines are concise and informative.
  • The title can contain keywords to simplify the search process electronically.
  • Avoid shortening the term.

3 Author's details

  • The name is written complete without the inclusion of a degree.
  • Number writer appended each name authors' end with the superscript format. Number writer unchanged at the same Affiliation.
  • Authors of correspondence should be indicated by an asterisk * at the end of the number of authors with the superscript format. This writer will handle correspondence at all stages of the filing, publication, and post-publication. Coverage of this responsibility also to respond to questions on the future of the article's content.
  1. Affiliate
  • Affiliate author begins with including the author superscript numbers, details institution name, complete address of the institution, including postal codes, and cities.
  • Correspondence author affiliations start with *, and electronic mail address (email) institution. 
  1. Abstract
  • Abstract written in Indonesian only if the articles are made using English. In addition, the article must be written in English if the article is created using Indonesian.
  • Concise and factual abstract prepared by the number of 200-300 words.
  • Abstracts should briefly state the research's purpose, the main results, and key messages. 
  • Writing abstract presented separately from the article, so it must stand on its own. Rewrote the sentence of the article content is not allowed.
  • The references should be avoided. However, if considered necessary, reference should be quoted in full, without referencing a paper in the Bibliography. Shortening the term should be avoided. However, if necessary, shortening the term must be defined at first mention in the abstract.
  • The number of keywords 4-6 words.
  1. Introduction
  • The introduction contains the background, problems, goals, and a clear hypothesis (state of the arts)
  • Introduction minimum developed by 5
  • The previous study that did not support the issue and research purposes should be avoided to be included.
  • The purpose of this research should be stated explicitly in the final paragraph with a brief description of the problem-solving approach.
  1. Method
  • Methodology illustrates the type of research with exploratory research, descriptive, correlational, causal, comparative, experimental, action research (action research), modeling, analysis of a theory, or a combination of various types of research.
  • The methodology is better equipped with schematic or flowchart (flowchart) of the research procedure.
  • Flowchart must be spelled out by loading the details of data collection techniques, sampling procedures, laboratory analysis, standard analysis, advanced methods of data analysis.
  • The methodology that has been published must be summarized and include the reference source. In addition, any modification of the existing methods should be explained in detail.
  • Approach qualitative method should be described in detail on collecting and analyzing information to the interpretation of research results.
  1. Results and Discussion
  • The research results should be precise with the presentation of the title illustrations and tables. Tables and drawings were made separately by including the title in the article as guide advice.
  • The value of the results in tables and figures should constantly interact with the content in the article. Some paragraphs of some relevant literature can be included as a supporter of the research results.
  • Authors are not allowed to write paragraphs that are not correlated with the results. 
  • In articles in the form of literature in the form of conceptual thinking on the review of several studies, these parts can be replaced by several headings based on a review of studies and study the phenomenon of research results.
  • Results and discussion are not made separately but a unified whole in answering the research objectives.
  1. Conclusion
  • Conclusions are obliged to be written in this journal and must answer the purpose of research or study purposes.
  • Sentences at the conclusion are not an extension of the discussion or summary of the results. However, the sentence gives short messages results of exploration research have been presented in the chapter of results and discussion.
  • Conclusions are not allowed to contain references to the literature.
  • Authors are advised to make a list of important implications of their work in the form of a bulleted list. Conclusions should not contain references to the literature cited.
  • Limitations of the study can be added as suggestions for further research.
  1. Acknowledgments 
  • Acknowledgments addressed only to the parties directly technically assist in the retrieval process and data analysis, the research funders, the contributor of materials and research facilities, the provider's very fundamental idea or content of the article.
  • If scientific papers originate from sponsor research grants, authors are required to write the contract number and title of the study, as well as the execution of the contract.
  1. Writing citations and Bibliography.
    Writing citations in the text and contents and Bibliography refers to the writing of the kind of "Vancouver." Quote, quote written using numbers before the dot at the end of the sentence. Number citations begin and end brackets. Writing should quote numbers sequentially from the beginning of the emergence in the text. If quotes consist of two reference sources, the number of citations is written sequentially from the beginning number and followed by a comma; For example, (1,2) or (1,5). If the quote is composed of more than two sources of reference, citation numbers are written sequentially from the starting number, followed by dashes, and ends the final number of citations; For example: (1-4) or (1 to 4.8).
    A highly recommended bibliography refers only to journals, scientific papers, and books. The most important note on page writing is:
  • When the "value of tens" page has not changed, the writing page only lists the dashes and follows the page's unit value. So, for example, a script was written journal citation from page 330 to 339, then the writing procedure is 330-9.
  • When the "value of tens" changed pages, writing pages must include the hyphen and follow the "tens value" page. For example, a script was written journal citation from page 337 to 341, then the writing procedure is 337-41.

The format of writing "Vancouver" is as follows (1-3):

No. type citations Syntax 1. Journals Author (last name) AA (first and second name), Author BB, Author CC, DD author. Title of article. Name of the journal *. Year of publication; volume number (issue number): page numbers.
* International journals are strongly advised only briefly to write the name in accordance with the official standards of the journal. Petitti DB, Crooks VC, Buckwalter JG, Chiu V. Blood pressure levels before dementia. Arch Neurol. 2005; 62 (1): 112-6. 2. electronic Journals Author (last name) AA (first and second name), Author BB, Author CC, DD author. Title of article. Name of the journal * [Internet]. Year of publication; volume number (issue number): page numbers. Number DOI:

* International journals are strongly advised only briefly to write the name in accordance with the official standards of the journal. Kanneganti P, Harris JD, Brophy RH, Carey JL, Lattermann C, Flanigan DC. The effect of smoking on ligament and cartilage in the knee surgery: a systematic review. Am J Sports Med [Internet]. 2012; 40 (12): 2872-8. DOI: 10.1177 / 0363546512458223 3. Book

  • Printed books
  • Electronic books a) Author AA. Book title. Edition. The place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Page.
  • Author AA. Title of book [Internet]. The place of publication: Sponsored website / Publisher; Year of publication [year month day decision-citation]. Page. Link (if available) a) Carlson BM. Human embryology and developmental biology. Edition 4. St. Louis: Mosby; 2009. 541.
  • Shreeve DF. Reactive attachment disorder: a case-based approach [Internet]. New York: Springer; 2012 [2012 November 2]. 85. login? Url = http: // 4. Chapters in the book
  • In the book by editor
  • In the electronic book by editor a) Author AA, Author BB. Crosshead. In: Name of editor AA, BB editor name, editors. Book title. Edition. The place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Chapter page.
  • Author AA, Author BB. Crosshead. In: Name of editor AA, BB editor name, editors. Title of book [Internet]. The place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication [year month day decision-citation]. Chapter number. Link (if available) a) Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP. Social health and class inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel JR, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. Issue 2. London: Academic Press; 1976. 165-78
  • Halpen-Felsher BL, Morrell HE. Preventing and reducing tobacco use. In: Berlan ED, Bravender T, editors. Adolescent medicine today: a guide to caring for the adolescent patient [Internet]. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co .; 2012 [cited 2012 November 3]. Chapter 18. 

The authors are recommended to use the facilities to facilitate the revision of numbering Mendeley. The facility can be downloaded for free at
The format used should be slightly revised facilities manually to use Indonesian as a whole, such as the use of the word chapter to chapter and removal p. (Page).

Pictures and Tables
1. Picture

  • Images can be illustrated as graphics and visualization objects.
  • Graphics are not equipped with the right boundary line, the line of the upper limit, and the outer boundary. A horizontal and vertical axis is only intended as x and y.
  • Horizontal lines and vertical (gridlines) in the graph are not allowed to be displayed.
  • The scale on the x and y axes are equipped with many (tick) made out axis.
  • The combination of uppercase and lowercase letters is used to write the labels on the x-axis and y. 
  • Large letters on the label should be proportionate to the chart legend.
  • Both notations and labels should be written using writing Arial, 11.
  • The symbol on the chart is made darkness or empty instead of x, +, *.
  • Better graphics made no use of a variety of colors, other than black and white.
  • For a bar graph, a gradient shading or symbol is used to represent the variation of the variable from the largest to the smallest. Smooth shading is avoided because it is not obvious when photocopied.
  • In the bar graph or histogram, a white beam pattern is highly recommended when compared with the use of full black beams.
  • The title picture is only allowed to be written below the graph or object and begins with the writing of the image number. The title image is placed in the middle (center) of the image area with the Arial, 10.
  • When the picture is taken from the citation, the image source must be listed under the title picture with parentheses and the number of citations.
  1. Table
  • Table created without any vertical line.
  • The horizontal lines are only made to the head of the column and the last line of the table.
  • Type of writing on a table using Arial, 10.
  • Title to each column of data in the form of information and numbers were written in the middle (center) fields of the table, while data is written in the form of writing left-aligned (align left).
  • The title table is only allowed to be written above the table and begins with the writing table numbers. Title table placed in the middle (center) fields of the table with Arial typeface, 10.
  • If the tables were taken from the citation, the source citation should be included at the end of the table's title with parentheses, and the number of citations.

The Author Guidelines or template can be downloaded in the main menu of the website

Technical Reports

Technical reports must present original, practical information, preliminary or partial results of research, engineering engineering applications in the field covered by J-SIL. Over 10 printed pages (30 template pages) will not be accepted.

Short Communication

Short Communications are concise but complete explanation of limited investigation on the critical issues in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Over 4 printed pages will not be accepted.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.