Stres, Strategi Koping dan Kesejahteraan Subjektif pada Keluarga Orang Tua Tunggal

  • Muthia Octaviani Bogor Agricultural University
  • Tin Herawati Bogor Agricultural University
  • Fatma Putri Sekaring Tyas Bogor Agricultural University
Keywords: coping strategy, single mother, single parent families, stress, subjective well-being


Single parent status in Indonesia is usually caused by two conditions, that are caused by divorce or
widowed/widower. Single parents who were involved in this research were single mothers caused by divorce.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of single-parent family characteristics, stress levels, and
coping strategies on subjective well-being. Respondents were 40 single mothers in Cilendek Barat and Sindang
Barang village, Bogor Barat Sub district and Kebon Pedes and Tanah Sareal village, Tanah Sareal Sub district,
Bogor City that were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected through interviews with mothers using
questionnaires. The results showed that the cause of stress (stressor) with the highest average index was the
relationship with children. Factors that become stressors of the low of the relationship between parents and
children, were difficulties in managing children behavior, fighting among sibling, children disciplinary, difficulties in
caring of children, and difficulties in getting satisfaction from children. The signs of stress both the physical or
mentally experience of a single mother was still relatively low. Coping strategies were in a low category and
single mothers more often did coping strategies that focus on emotions. The results of the study found that almost
all single mothers had subjective well-being in the low category. Factors that had significant negative effect on the
subjective well-being of single mothers were family size and stress. Thence, programs that can help single
mothers in managing stress well will be very useful for optimizing subjective well-being.


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How to Cite
OctavianiM., HerawatiT., & TyasF. P. S. (2018). Stres, Strategi Koping dan Kesejahteraan Subjektif pada Keluarga Orang Tua Tunggal. Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga Dan Konsumen, 11(3), 169-180.