Effects of Socialization Methods and Peer Attachment on Character Strength of School-Aged Children

  • Risa Umasyah Undergraduate Student at Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University
  • Alfiasari Alfiasari Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University
Keywords: character strength, peer attachment, school-age children, socialization methods, rural families


This study aimed to analyze the influences of socialization methods and peer attachment on character strength of scholl-aged in rural families. This study employed cross sectional approach using survey and interview. A hundred of families with children at grades 4 and 5 in two public elementary schools at Pamijahan Sub District, Bogor Regency participated in this study. This found only age and peer attachment that had significant influence on character strengths of school-aged children in rural families.


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