Monde, Anthon, Indonesia

  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 31 No. 3 (2008): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    Sustainable agriculture development requires a high quality and proper land management in order to promote high farmer’s income and to prevent natural  resources degradation. This research was conducted in Nopu sub-watershed, a sub sub Gumbasa watershed, Central Sulawesi Province. The erosion and surface run off were observed by placing erosion plots on various ages of cocoa land uses (monoculture and agroforestry), whiles the soil quality indicators were observed by analyzing the physical and chemical properties of soil samples, which were collected from various  ages of cocoa land use. The soil profile  permeability and soil surface coverage were directly observed on the field. Production and farmer’s income of various cocoa land use systems in Nopu watershed were collected by using questioners.  Sustainable management of cocoa (monoculture and agroforestry) was formulated by using various scenarios. Results of the study showed that 1) forest conversion into cocoa land use decreased soil quality degradation, tended to increase soil erosion and run off; 2) to establish a sustainable cocoa farming system in Nopu watershed, there should be practiced a proper and equilibrium fertilization, application of adequate soil and water conservation techniques such as mulching and construction of ditches closed (rorak) and  ridges (sengkedan).


    Key words:  cocoa, erosion, farmer’s income, forest conversion, soil quality
    Abstract  PDF